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It's been six months and I haven't a heard a single thing from you. I don't know what I feel for you anymore everything is overdriven by anger.

I'm angry that you left, angry that you didn't even say goodbye, angry that you didn't even say you were leaving. Angry that you haven't called, texted or wrote me.

My love for you was so overwhelming that I would have literally died for you and yet you couldn't even say goodbye to me.

I've gone through so much since you've been away and the only person I wanted and needed was no where to be found. How could you tell me you loved me and then leave and not acknowledge my exist, as if I was something you wanted to forget and that hurts me.

Yes, I'm angry but I'm also hurt. How could you leave me feeling like this. You've changed me and you aren't even here to accept the responsibility.

I don't know how it all came to this and I didn't even think I could be mad at you in my entire life but you left me broken with nothing but anger fueling my exist.

- hwang Hyunjin <\3

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