Chapter 26: Manager Hyung's ways

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“He’s finally growing up,” Manager Hyung quietly said, before smiling at his accomplishment.


Back at Mr. Do’s company building, he sat with two clients who wanted to merge their business with his. Even though the clients’ business was a great shot in Korea, it had no potential growing bigger in countries outside Korea. It was going to do no good with his company and its plans.

“I’m sorry, but I am in no position as of now to proceed with any merging. Perhaps, in the future when my company is not at its lowest peak, I hope you can understand this,” Mr. Do told them, and the clients were able to happily agree.

When they left, Jokwon, who stood at the back the whole time, walked towards his boss.

“You’re going to merge businesses in the future, sir?” he asked.

“god, no. I only told them that to get rid of them. Have you seen their business, Jokwon? It has no potential whatsoever. They will only drag my company down along with their dignity,” Mr. Do replied.

Jokwon could do nothing else but to bow to acknowledge his boss’ reply. He then stood up straight, took a step back and informed Mr. Do of some news.

“Sir, it appears as if D.O and Eunmi still see each other, although not every day, they still see each other.”

“Why does that woman’s child keep coming back? What does she want?!” he shouted.

“Also, Sanghyun is waiting downstairs for you, sir,” Jokwon continued.

“Sanghyun? What does he want now?” Mr. Do asked in annoyance.

“Sir?” Jokwon asked in confusion, and Mr. Do sighed then.

“Just send him up here.”

Jokwon did as his boss told him and called for Sanghyun. Once the boy entered, Mr. Do had put on a plastic smile to welcome him. He told Sanghyun to sit down and even offered for some beverages, but all in which Sanghyun declined.

“What can I do for you, Sanghyun? Why have you come?”

“I tried calling you, s-sir, but you haven’t answered any of them,” he replied.

“Ahh, yes,” Mr. Do began. “Sanghyun, you see, I have been very busy and it was unfortunate because I have been meaning to inform you with something. I no longer need you to spy on my son and Eunmi, but of course, I am still giving you the money for those times you have.”

“Did I do something wrong, sir?” Sanghyun asked as he felt confused.

“No, you did perfectly well what I have asked of you.”

“Then, why, sir? May I know the reason why I’m being let go?”

“Sanghyun, be with your family; your sister and your mother. They need you more than I need your service. Now, I’m going to give you money, enough to provide for the three of you,” Mr. Do said.

“Alright, sir, if you say so.”

Mr. Do smiled at him and motioned for Jokwon to hand him his cheque, before writing down a sufficient amount of money for Sanghyun. When Sanghyun had received the cheque in his hands, he bowed to Mr. Do and left without another word. Jokwon watched in uneasiness as Sanghyun left, fearing that one day Mr. Do might do the same thing to him.

“That kid asks too many questions,” Mr. Do commented.

Jokwon said nothing in return and only smiled, before returning to his desk outside Mr. Do’s office.

“Now, however am I going to get rid of that Eunmi from Kyungsoo’s life?” Mr. Do asked himself as he tapped his fingers on the table.


When the van arrived at EXO’s dorm, it was Manager Hyung’s job to wake everyone up and this was usually the hardest thing to do. He got down from the driver’s seat and walked to the side door, before sliding it open and placing his hands on his hips as he looked at the sleeping handsomes.

“Hey, guys, wake up!” he said.


“We’re here!”

Still nothing.

Manager Hyung pursed his lips and thought of upstaging his game, since he was sure that shouting “The van’s on fire!” would not work the second time. As he scanned his eyes around the boys, he stopped at the sight of D.O and Eunmi, before a grin appeared on his face.

“Wah! D.O and Eunmi are kissing!”

At that moment, the members’ eyes shot wide open and all turned their heads to where D.O and Eunmi sat.

“What? Where? Huh?” was what was heard from them.

They were disappointed to find that Manager Hyung was lying, and D.O and Eunmi looked at the members before looking at each other and finding that they slept while having their heads resting on one another. Quickly, they backed away from each other and cleared their throats awkwardly, before everyone started getting off the van.

“Good job, hyung,” Chen said, patting their manager’s shoulder as he hopped off the van.

“You got us again,” Chanyeol said.

It was D.O and Eunmi who got off last and when Eunmi was about to get off, she accidentally caught her leg on the seat’s metal bar underneath and nearly fell of the vehicle. Lucky for her, D.O got off beforehand and was able to catch her in his arms. Their eyes met and their arms were around each other, before both realised the position they were at.

“Um, you can put me down now,” Eunmi said shyly.

“Oh, y-yeah,” D.O stuttered as he slowly placed her feet on the floor.

Manager Hyung, who was there the whole time (of course, because he had to close and lock the van) smirked mischievously. He purposely walked in between them in a fabulous way while ‘coughing’ the words “Love birds”. D.O and Eunmi turned their heads at the same time to him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

When Manager Hyung entered the dorm before them, it was the both of them alone.

“You can go first,” Eunmi told D.O and he did not refuse.

As she walked behind him, she could not help but laugh silently to herself. I fell for him… literally, she thought. Why am I so ‘pun’ny?

When D.O and Eunmi went inside, a watcher watched them as they did so, obviously they watched because watcher (duh?). They balled their fists together and their teeth clenched in anger, annoyance and irritation. What EXO and the rest did not know was that they were being followed ever since they left from their performance. It was none other than Hye Jin.

“I knew it! I freaking knew there was something going on with those two!” she hissed. “But, I can’t let her get in the way. I saw him first and I will get him... 

… no matter what!”


I'm sorry for the really really late update, everyone! >///< I seriously had a major writer's block for this fan-fic and I felt so frustrated because even I was starting to forget what happened the previous chapter (HAHA).

If you did forget what happened, just re-read the previous chapter or two to get your head wrapped around the story again. Once again, I'm sorry :c

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Do COMMENT below because I love what you guys have to say and/or think, and VOTE, too~

Thank you for reading <3

Heartthrob Snob // D.O.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن