"woahhh Y/N!! is this your house?" The girls exclaimed. I just laughed seeing the girls not blinking and running around like kids.

Seeing Chaeyoung and Dahyun chasing one another made me sad. Memories of me and Lia started to rush in like a tsunami. i miss Lia.. Tears started forming in my eyes and immediately, I wiped it off before being seen by any of the members. I let them in and quickly gave them a tour in the house.

I then assigned them to their rooms.


We changed our outfit and got ready for our next activity. It was almost 7pm so, we went to the Universal Singapore Studio. It was packed like sardines, and i quickly got the girls into a long line of queue.

"Y/N, what are we going to do next?" Chaeyoung poked Y/N's waist while furrowing her brow. 

"we're gonna have fun here! just wait and you'll see what i mean.." A evil grin popped up as I just giggled.

"YAAAA SON Y/N WHAT IS THIS PLACE!!" The girls shouted in their high pitch note.

aish my ears!! I groaned.

"let's split ourselves into groups! or.. do you want to go in by yourself..?" I teased the girls, earning a smack from Chaeyoung. I whined, making the girls laughed.

"okay okay! let's split ourselves into groups of five!" I pouted.

We grouped ourselves as NaJeongSaMiDa and JiMoChaeTzuY/N. NaJeongSaMiDa went first into the 'haunted house', while we were waiting for our turn. Screams could be heard in the house and we all couldn't help but to laugh.

It was our turn so, we all held hands together as the girls were really scared of going into a 'haunted house'. My hands brushed off Jihyo's hands and both of us turned rosy. I coughed, and began to lead the girls. The first 'ghost' known as a Pontianak came out looking so real and made the girls shivered so hard. They began to scream and were hitting me to fasten up the pace. Overall, it was exciting to see the girls looking so scared over a bunch of 'ghosts'.

(yall better don't search what is a Pontianak because it might scare the death of you.. it's a famous ghost known among the Malays and yeah, people are scared of it. so don't search it unless you are curious of it? hehe, don't say i didn't warn you~ :P)

We managed to survive as JiMoChaeTzu plopped down. I gave them water and then, we next went to a restaurant located near the USS.

"Y/N, t-that was so f-fun haha.." Momo jokingly said out of random when we were waiting for our foods to arrive.

Y/N misunderstood it in a way that she thought that the girls hated it. the girls looked so annoyed. I couldn't help but to feel guilty. i shouldn't have done that right..

I excused myself to the toilet, leaving the girls to talk among themselves.

"Momo, you shouldn't have said that.. Y/N was trying to make us feel enjoy.. didn't you see how Y/N felt when you said that?" Chaeyoung scolded Momo.

"Chaeng, I was just joking! i didn't expect Y/N to take it to heart.." Momo looked down as if a child was being scolded by her mum for stealing candies.

"it's okay, don't blame yourself Momo. i shouldn't have brought you to the 'haunted house'," I appeared in front of them who were talking about me.

"let's eat girls! you must be hungry right? but Momo, there's no jokbal here in Singapore hehe.." I tried to liven up the tense atmosphere.

"that's fine, as long as there's food! food is life!" Momo chuckled.

All of us cracked at that, creating memories and spending our time together. We also took the time to get to know each other.

After that, we made our way back home as it was already approaching midnight. The girls went to their room and drift to their dreamland.

Meanwhile, I was still awake as i drank beer at the living room. I was looking through my camera that i brought along during our trip here. Taking pictures is my hobby and without fail, i would always bring my camera wherever i go.

While looking the pictures, my phone rang.

Jennie ❤

I picked it up.

"hello Jennie yaa~"

"yay thank god you still remember me."

"haha mian, i forgot to call you when i reached Korea.."

"it's okay y/n/n, how are you? are you doing okay there? who are you staying with? who is–" I cutted her words.

"yah, are you rapping or what? one question at a time please," I teased her.

"you never change huh y/n/n.. yeah yeah, sorry but how are you?"

"i'm doing okay here.. i'm in Singapore by the way!"

"how are you in Singapore?! are you not in Korea?"

"well, it's a long story.. maybe you should come to Korea one day haha.. then we can hang out with Rosé and Jisoo too!"

"haha, maybe y/n.. oh and i have something to tell you!"

"oh what is it? oh wait! perhaps are you confessing to me?" I joked around.

"ani!! who would fall for you.."

"honestly that hurt my pride.. haha"

"okay, Jisoo, Rosé and me are debuting in Korea! so yeah, basically we are in Korea now!"

No One's POV

"oh my god, really? congrats Jennie ya~" Y/N jumped excitedly.

"yeah, i missed you too! so we should catch up more soon! see you in Korea! bye~" Y/N ended the call.

Y/N laid down on the sofa. today went pass fast huh?

Y/N drifted to her dreamland as soon as she fell asleep.

hehe, a short crappy update as i'm slacking~ haha joking! i'm honestly so stressed out >.< i feel this is the worst chapter i've wrote but, nevertheless i tried hehe <3

(ON HIATUS) I'm Into You [Y/N & TWICE] Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum