Chapter 5: The Beauty

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Keanna took us through many trees and many more trees. She took us through so many trees, I was begining to think we were in a maze. A maze of trees made my head hurt just even thinking of that as a possibility.

Then all of a sudden, we moved past the last couple trees to only see a beautiful hut and open clearing on the other side. This is where her and the chief had lived, it must have been. There in the center, stood a single hut big enough for a small family. The clearing had beautiful, juicy, green grass. The flowers had a certain essence about them, they were sweet but almost spicy at the same time. The trees seemed fuller here, making it seem impossible to see anything on the other side. The most opportune area for a secluded house.

I could not say anything. I was simply awe-struck. This place was paradise on paradise.

"This is utterly beautiful." My jaw must have been on the ground.

"Thank you. We take care of the island and the island takes care of us." Keanna kept walking towards the hut. We followed suit, me snapping out of my haze and dragging a quiet Chase behind me. His silence was still unnerving.

We reached the hut and Keanna pulled the flap back, signalling to us to go in before her. Out of respect, Chase and I follwed her hand into the warm hut. Walking in, it smelled like the earth. The smell was tantalizing, something that could never be replicated. Amazing and weird at the same time. It was decorated with handmade ornaments and vases. A rug of what looked like deer skin lay in the midde. Make-shift couches and chairs circle the large rug, a fire burning lowly in its place.

It was beautiful, the only word that could truly describe the place we were stranded. Not only was the island beautiful, the people, too. They were exotic, us looking out of place among the naturally tanned skin and barely there clothing. Their features roughened by the sun and endless amount of walking along the sand.

"Please, take a seat. Would you like something to drink?" I nodded, Chase seeming to do the same.

She handed us cups, full with fresh, herbal tea. "Thank you so much." The smell was aromatic, it soothing me slightly.

"So, you said you were both from New York City?" Nodding, I smiled remebering how 48 hours ago we were safely in the city.

"As I said earlier, we were on our way to Bora Bora. Chase had an important meeting with a client there. But, now we're here." Smiling, she continued.

"Ah, I see. Now as far as helping you, we would only be able to do it in about a week. We only travel to the other big island once every two weeks. Would that be a problem?"

"Yes." Shocking me, I looked at Chase to see what had possesed him to say such a rude thing.

"Yes?" I questioned, making me furrow my brow and making sure I had heard the bastard right.

"Yes, you heard me. That is going to be a problem. How am I supposed to let my company sit a week without me?" He was glaring now. At me.

"Oh hell no. You do not get the right to act like that. You now damn well that your company will be fine a week without its king." I was seeing red. How dare he act like that. She was trying to help us.

"Oh yeah? How are you so sure of that? I need to get back as soon as I can. I need to get back tomorrow." Chase stood, pushing his chair over in the process. He stormed out, leaving me speechless and severly pissed off.

"Keanna, I am so sorry about him. He is just so stubborn. I do not think the shock has fully worn off of him just yet. Let me go talk to him." I looked at her with sad eyes, embarassed by the way he just acted.

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