Chapter 2

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⚠⚠TRIGGER WARNING: an act of self harm is written in this chapter you have been warned⚠⚠


I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes to see who was waking me up to see Yoongi gently shaking me awake. "Hey Taehyungie foods ready" He softly said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I soon nodded and we headed out of my room and towards the dining room where the others were sat down waiting for us to join them. I sat down in between Yoongi and Jin. "Someone just woke up I thought it was Yoongi Hyung who usually sleeps all the time?" Jungkook joked. I gave him a small weak smile as I wasn't really in the mood for jokes. We just sat there and ate our food. I would say that it was in silence but that would be a lie in fact it was quiet the opposite. Everyone was talking and joking apart from me and Yoongi Hyung. We sat there in silence. Yoongi would talk from time to time but me on the other hand just ate in silence until I was finished. "Thank you Jin Hyung" I said as i stood up and took my dishes out to the kitchen. I then walked straight into my room my thoughts getting too loud and unbearable. I locked my bedroom door and walked into my bathroom suite and pulled up my sleeve and looked at my arm. My imperfections I thought as I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a small metal blade from the shelf and placed it on the side of the sink whilst I went to go grab some clothes and a towel from my wardrobe. Once I got them I went into the shower with the blade.

Freak 1 new cut
Worthless 2 new cuts
Waste of space 3 new cuts
Unwanted 4 new cuts
Monster 5 new cuts
Useless 6 new cuts
Go kill yourself 7 new cuts
No one loves you 8 new cuts
Disgusting  9 new cuts
Disgrace to the family 10 new cuts
Waste of time 11 new cuts
Waste of life 12 new cuts
No one will ever love you 13 new cuts
They don't want you 14 new cuts
They never have 15 new cuts
You are just a waste of space 16 new cuts

16 new cuts now lay on my arms

After I showered washing away the blood seeping from my cuts and off of the blade I limply wrapped up my arms tightly with bandages and put on my pj's before weakly putting the blade back in its spot and walking over to my bed and curling up into a ball and passing out with my arms still bleeding heavily.

💜Yoongi's POV 💜
Tae was quiet. So painfully quiet. Why didn't he speak during dinner/Tea/supper it isn't like him to be that quiet and then go straight to his room like that. Something doesn't feel right. I stood up off from the sofa and walked straight to Tae's room. I knocked lightly and after hearing no response. Strange because if he is asleep I can't here his soft snores. I try to open the door but it was locked so I used the master key that everyone has got in case of emergencies and unlocked the door to see Tae led there on the bed. One would just think he's sleeping but after not hearing him let out soft little snores and the way he is led isn't the way he normally sleeps...he isn't hugging something instead he is led on his back and in my opinion he looks pretty lifeless to me. That thought alone scares me so I dashed over to him and checked his vital signs. One relief is that he is still breathing but one worry is that his pulse and breathing is laboured (a/n: laboured is another term for weak in case you didn't know \^♢^/) after figuring this out I panicked and pulled out my phone and called an ambulance. "Tae stay with me please...don't let go just yet help is on its way" I said trying to get Tae to open his eyes and wake him to give him a better chance of survival. I picked him up gently and rushed him into the front room his body falling limp at my touch. When I reached the front room everyone looked at me confused to why I was carrying a 'sleeping' Tae. I told everyone to get up off of the sofa so I could lay him down "Tae please respond Please hold on for us help is on its way just hold on a little longer" I begged holding his hand on the verge of tears myself and that's when I saw it. His hand...blood dripping from his arms. "Tae please tell me why you did this...please don't leave us just yet please" I said holding his arm up in view of the others to stop them from being confused. "Oh Tae sweetheart please don't let go on us" Jin cried running over to Tae and holding on tightly to his hand. Soon paramedics rushed through the door and rushed Tae to hospital while we trailed behind the ambulance all worried for our little Taehyung. I can't help but wonder why he did what he did and what lead him to do it and if it had something to do with the mornings events. But I also can't help but worry about him and hope that my little dongsaeng will be alright.

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