Part 39

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It was next morning again. Collecting her stuffs she was about to enter in wash heard from behind..

"You have not unpacked still.."

She looked back. Yes, after yesterday's conversation there was a tiny bit of thing was clear in her mind but she did not know whether to use that wardrobe where she will again keep her things beside him.. Because using same restroom, using same bedroom, using same dresser, using same bed.. now the same wardrobe.. All these things were making her feel extreme.

"I'll unpack later.."

Not saying anything, Khushi entered the washroom where his fragrance again hit her nostrils troubling her. That cool mint shower gel fragrance which might be one of his most used product made her feel different.. But she did not pressurize her brain and went to do her morning routine.

Khushi sat with Aarav while Arnav took seat beside Anita for breakfast. Aarav and Arnav were discussing randomly while Anita was telling Khushi to get something from market while returning from studio. And she likes to bring house hold things a lot. Because after Anjali's marriage and Arnav's moving to Mumbai for further study Khushi had to participate with Anita Maa for grocery shopping or any others stuffs needed for daily chores. And slowly that became a habit for her and she likes to bring!! In fact the owner of the super market is one of her most known person.. for years now!!

"Pass me some curd Khushi.."


Though Arnav and Khushi did not actually pay any attention to those few words just exchanged between them or to be more particular they did not talk any thing else, but Anita and Aarav were quick to pick that up. Anita gave a look to Khushi who was eating her paratha then Arnav who was dripping a piece of paratha in curd then back to her Husband..


Being a newbie in office Khushi was not given much task, she was getting familiar with the system. Starting from her desk, to her stationary, to her system.. even that small diary placed near by her.. all these made her feel happy.. Or should be said, she was relaxed from within may be after last evening conversation!! It is not that she was super happy or had set her mind to dream about that future what Arnav was referring.. It was just that her disturb heart got a break for sometime after this.. And she was happy for it. Mr.Arindam called Khushi and discussed something with her.

Finally it was 5 pm, Khushi bit bye to her office and left early. Getting those things from market Khushi made her way to back home. Giving those stuffs to Anita Khushi went upstairs to get freshen up. After a quick shower she came downstairs. Preparing some sandwiches for herself she was about to move towards her bedroom because she had a sketch to prepare that day but stopped before. Opening Arnav's bedroom which was still difficult for her to call as her room, she stepped inside, keeping the plate on coffee table Khushi moved towards dresser. Opening a drawer she took out the key, then her eyes travelled back to wardrobe..

She unlocked it and in next instance found herself taking out her stuffs from her bag and keeping those in cupboard. She halted for a moment.. She could have continued doing without the necessity of this cupboard?? But her mind again replied quickly, may be it was getting unnecessary difficult for her to keep out and again keep back in her luggage. It would be easy here getting things in cupboard..

Done with that task, Khushi quickly attacked her plate. Not wishing to stay one moment more, she came out from the bedroom and moved towards her room.


It was past 8 pm, Arnav was tired when he came back. Giving a quick hug to his mother he went upstairs. Switching on the lights, he was about to sit on recliner his eyes fell on a red and white dupatta hanging on recliner. His eyes soon travelled towards that place where she used to keep her luggage and found no trace of her luggage. His eyes soon moved towards dresser, a few bottles of perfume were placed beside his cologne..

His lips curved unknowingly and slowly that fatigue started leaving his body and mind!! Shaking head, he went for bath and his nostrils again hit with the lemony fragrance!! All these feel domestic, raw and intimate!! Before today, he had never thought he would feel something like this just after finding someone else's stuff beside his stuffs, and for first time this intervention was not unwelcomed!! He welcomed this change.. It feels home!

During those days in hostel, he had to share space.. But that did not give him these different tickling feeling that he felt today. This feels good!!

Yesterday evening when she was counting her fear to carry forward this relationship, then that was not only her that involved him as well!! It was a new step not only for her but for him as well.. They both were illiterate from this perspective.. They were taught to deal with life, people but they were never taught how to deal with that particular person with whom you would share an entire life!!

Their way of dealing was different, they were different, like Khushi said.. they share hardly anything common.. But something inside him was so strong that he felt they could do it together.. May be it will demand time, it will demand she was saying!! But everything will come to that end standing where when they will look back then these journey will feel like memory which will make them smile together.. !!

Standing under warm water, Arnav closed his eyes while balancing his both hands on glass cubicle.


"Studio jaa rahi ho??", Khushi looked up hearing this. The way he asked, it did not make her feel he was questioning her rather it made her feel he was showing interest to know her work life. As if he was trying to involve himself in her life but yes giving room for her..

Arnav was standing in front of her, keeping the studded earing back in drawer Khushi nodded while picking another pair for herself.

"I can drop you..(Khushi looked back at him, Arnav added..) I have some work and I'll be going that way..", he waited for her response..

"And what will I do when I return in evening.. I'll not have my vehicle with me to come back on my own if you drop me now..", she had a valid reason to ask her doubt. But he was ready to solve this problem as well..

"It will not be that difficult if we plan to come back home together, right?? It hardly takes 15-20 minutes from my office to your studio..", he spoke as if giving her hint that he would be happy getting her company while returning also..

Khushi stopped and turned to face him when found him rolling his sleeves till elbow..

"You are willing to waste your time Arnav.. be sure I'm not blamed later.."

"Like you say it is my time.. Then let me decide whether coming back with you in evening is a waste or gain for me..", his eyes as if gave her some other awareness while his lips utter these words..

Khushi stood immobile, what is this man doing?? Was not he the one who once refused to drop her at college months back?? Then who is this stranger standing in front of her making her feel different but not in a bad way... may be??

Has he really taken his words serious on his wish to continue this marriage till eternity?? But why?? What will he gain in return?? Was not he actually wasting his effort and time on something which she hardly believes to last?? How can he have so strong belief on this relation exits between them?? How can he be so sure about this?? Her presence used to irritate him, then why was he asking her company!!

"I'll be outside Arnav.." wiping her lips and hands Khushi got up from breakfast table getting a nod from Arnav who quickly took sip from his juice glass.

"Maa Bye..", added Khush before giving a quick hug to Anita finally before leaving, Anita smiled and bid her good bye before turning to her son..

"Chotey.. Aaram se!!", Anita spoke..

"No Maa, I'm done.. I'm leaving unless she will get late!!" giving a quick hug Anita just like another hug she had received earlier..

Though Anita wished both of them to sit and eat slowly, but did not stop!! Some choices should be made by those two and being a mother she should give them enough space to grow.. Closing her eyes, Anita sent a prayer to God, thanking him for this turn of life!! This turn seem good, safe and healthy.. for Arnav and Khushi!!

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