Part 56

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Khushi was preparing dinner with Anita, Aarav declared.

" Chotey called sometimes before, he reached safely."

Khushi looked at Anita who was not looking at Aarav, Aarav eyed to Khushi, Khushi blinked her eyes and turned to Anita.

"Maa.. Baba is saying.."

"I can hear Khushi, I'm not deaf!!", she said sternly.

That might be the very first time Khushi heard Maa's stern tone and her voice was enough to confess how depressed she was after Arnav's leaving. Khushi felt bad seeing that.

Leaving the bowl on kitchen slab, Anita left from there. Aarav just stood there staring at her retreating figure, Khushi could feel the disturbance between Baba and Mumma. Turning off the gas stove, Khushi came to Aarav, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

" Don't worry Baba, She will be fine in some time!!"

Aarav turned his head. Certainly he did not like that unwanted silence in their home.

" Are you angry with me too??"

" No Baba.. (She hugged from one side Aarav..) Maa is not angry with you either.. It's just that she will be missing Arnav, like you will do Baba..!!"

Aarav could only pecked Khushi's head affectionately. 

After dinner, Khushi went to bedroom. Changing into a pair of night suit, Khushi sat on bed looking around. This room felt strange to her.  She took her phone that was laying on bed. When she switched that on, found one message from Arnav, 

"Reached safely sometimes back."

She had not asked him for this message, but like sometime some unsaid words are better to be understood through that heart connection. He knew she must have already heard this news through Papa, but being her husband he wanted to convey her personally!!

 Switching off the lights laid on bed pulling the blanket on her. She turned to other side which was empty now!! She could not see that empty side of bed longer and laid straight looking up at ceiling. Closing her eyes she tried to sleep. 

Standing by the glass window of his flat, Arnav looked down at his cellphone, It was 12.30 at night, it must be 10pm in India!! He checked his messaging app, no reply message from Khushi!! Pocketing his phone, Arnav stared at nothing particular. Wind was playing with his body, reminding him that fragrance of her!! He could still feel her soft body, snuggling into his body. The way her arm wrapped around his waist possessively, the way she buried her face in his chest!!! He took a deep breath!!

 It was not that Arnav was not missing his parents or sister.. He does miss them, but at a certain time our heart wants to be a bit selfish for someone special.  Our heart strikes against every individual for that particular one. 

Will he be able to stay away from her for 6 long months?? Specially after confessing his love to her.. Realizing himself how much he is in love with her!! Realizing where she stands in his life..


Sipping her coffee, Nitya said.

" You think this living apart for 6 months is going to favorable both of you especially then when your relationship is taking a different route??"

Khushi stirred her coffee, looked at Nitya's face.

" He is not only my husband Nitya.. He has other responsibilities too!! He has some duty as Maa Baba's son as well as towards business.. Should he neglect that duty just because now we are married?? (She replied clearly.) And more over I have some projects here..Those need my attention, And I don't think he will ever appreciate if I ignore my work!!"

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