Part 43

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It's been two days now of their fight. Though Arnav had not stopped talking to her totally , but each time he said something to Khushi, Khushi failed to feel that soothing touch like she used to feel few days back before their fight. After the conversation on his wish to continue their marriage, Khushi could feel some warmth the way she felt being around him. But these days, Their talk is limited most of the time and especially in these two days she has not heard any of his remarkable comment on her.

Sitting on bed, just waking up from sleep Khushi pulled the blanket covering her legs. It was a cool morning for her. Her eyes traveled towards the empty side of bed beside her, he must have gone for his morning jogging. She has to admit, he is really an early riser unlike her whose eyes never open before 7.30 or so!!As well he does follow his schedule life a bit more strictly unlike her.. 

Right then Arnav entered, Khushi turned her head hearing the click sound of door. Arnav entered inside, but talking to someone over his Bluetooth, must be his official personnel!! While talking, he sat on recliner, untying the shoe lace and distracting those, then she found him checking some emails on laptop but still talking. After almost more than 10  minutes, his talk ended.

Khushi became attentive, was he going to talk to her or not?? Were they going to talk something?? She was curious to participate this time.. She wanted the conversation to happen, she wanted to know what's going on in his brain!! Keeping silence he was not helping either himself or her..

Finding him, moving towards closet to take out his clothes for shower, Khushi twisted her lips angrily!! What had she asked that, he was behaving so indifferently towards her?? Was not he the same person who had started showing his concern for their marriage, wishing it last forever... and By doing this, does he think he is saving their marriage by any way.

Seeing him, moving towards bathroom, Khushi quickly pushed away the blanket and within a blink of eyes reached near washroom door, putting her hand on door knob, not letting him open that. Arnav glared at her seeing her antics.

" What??"

"I'll take shower first.. You have any problem??"

Arnav opened his mouth to say something, but stopped not saying anything and move away. Though it was her victory, but still Khushi was not that happy. But she silently took her clothes and entered in to washroom to finish her morning routine.

Arnav sat on couch, waiting for his turn. But when he found it's already more than 25 minutes, he could not tolerate and angrily knocked on door.

" Khushi, come out right now. I have office to attain. I'm getting late."

Khushi narrowed her eyes hearing him, she was waiting for this biting her nails. Standing and doing nothing in washroom is the most idiotic task she had chosen for herself..

"I'll not open, until you say why are not you talking to me Raizada??"

Arnav raised his brow high hearing "Raizada!! but again dismissed his thought and knocked loudly.

" Is this the time to resume our the most important argument??"

" You think, not talking to me normally you are saving our argument Arnav??"

" Yes, Now come out Khushi and stop angry me!!"

In next second, the bathroom door was opened and there was standing a beauty carrying her glory but two honey orbs spitting fire. Arnav did not say after this, just moved her aside from his way by her forearm. Khushi's jaw dropped when she found Arnav locking the door.

Khushi screamed loudly.

" You wanted to keep our marriage Arnav and is this how you are trying to save not talking to me?? And what had I asked that, you are so upset?? I just wanted to know some answers, that's it!!!"

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