Part 96

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Getting ready Arnav waited for Khushi while wearing his shoes  before taking his wife out.

"Khushi.. How long??"

"Yup... Done, just coming!"

He was thankful each time when ever they go out any where for any reason , she never takes a long time to get ready!! Her flawless, radiant skin and her inner glow never give her such scope to do so. She came our wearing a navy blue salwar suit, hair left opened and two dazzling silver ear rings swinging with her each step!! He has started liking silver ornaments more and Of course on her!! Seeing her he first thought to give a second thought to their outing.. Do they need to go anywhere or should celebrate inside their bedroom??


He was brought back to present, as Khushi started dragging his hand leading themselves out of their bedroom. Informing Anita, Arnav and Khushi left.

Arnav started the car, done with her seat belt Khushi asked.

" Kahan jaa rahe hai hum?? (Where are we going??)"

"You were saying.. you don't care where ever I take you.. Then stick to your words!!"


They talked on usual topics until Khushi saw Arnav driving towards multiplex. Were they going for movie??

" Movie??"

Arnav nodded his head.

" First movie, then dinner and lastly a long drive.. It's simple!!"

Hiding her smile Khushi asked, " By the way I just remembered someone had told me once that he could not sit for 3 freaking hours to watch any movie." 

"And when did I say that I want to watch movie?? You can enjoy your and I will be enjoying my time.. My plan is full proof Khushi. You don't stress yourself that much."

Shaking her head Khushi smiled, she just can't win him with words. So it's better to give her mouth some rest. They both got down. Knowing Khushi's disliking towards too romantic typical love stories and only action oriented movies.. Arnav decided to go for a comedy genre.. That would suit their mood!! 

"Yum.. Just taste it once for Heaven sake Arnav!!"

"No.. Not at all Khushi. This Dahi bhale is too spicy. You need to stop eating now. Your eyes are almost teary Khushi. "

Khushi did not give a ear to him when it comes to food. She was relishing the taste, Arnav watched his wife, what's there in Dahi Bhale to enjoy like this?? She ordered for spicy one and as a result this girl was almost on the verge of crying due to that excessive spicy but still she was not ready to stop. He should not have stopped here agreeing to her proposal.

 Why can't he just say NO to her??

 Khushi was about to order for a second plate, Arnav stopped her holding her hand and dragging her out.

" Enough Khushi.. Neither world is ending tomorrow nor you are going any where.. And more over too much spicy is not good for my health too.." (he added.)

Khushi was reluctant to let him convince her, what was his problem??

" Your health.. How??" (she could not find the connection between her food habit and his health.)

Shutting down the glass of window in their car, Arnav turned to Khushi. He raised his one arm at her direction, Khushi moved away unsure of his move. But Arnav stopped her moving further and brushed his fingers on her lower lips wiping away a drop of spicy yogurt and licking that.

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt