chapter 12

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Raven p.o.v

What I saw broke my heart.But I didn't show it.I saw Harry and Cho making out in the middle of everyone.I also saw other ravenclaws their. I guess they invited people from other houses except syltherine. I just put on a fake smile, but from hermione and kats faces that they weren't fooled.

I went over to the twins and I guess they saw through the fake smile also."Hey,I'm guessing you through the party it's awesome isn't it!"I exclaimed.Fred smiled at me with a look that said they aren't falling for it.

"We can see right through you,so can hermione and kat."they told me together."their right you know,we don't believe you or your smile."the girls came up to us smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay you don't believe me,I get it but I'll be fine I'll get over it.If you will excuse me I'm going to talk to Neville."I said walking over to him.

Kats p.o.v

We watched her walk away."She's in denial."I exclaimed."I was going to ask her out, but it seems that she gave her heart to someone else."George said sadly.Hermione and I both squealed."why did you squeal for?"Fred and George ask at the same time.We look at each other and back at them and smirked.

"Because she might like Harry,but she liked you first you that.Sheesh pay've been there for her longer than Harry, she likes you George so at midnight ask her and maybe kiss her to get back at that douchbag."we say together still smirking but at the end all four of us are.

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