chapter 9

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author's note....hey sorry i havent updated in awhile just started ya also if u r reading my other harry potter story Aria potter than im goung tobstart that book up too again...and now too the story___________________________________

raven p.o.v

After quirell left i turned back around and glared at nothing in particular. "Are you okay raven you look alittle mad?"ron asked with his mouth full of food.I looked at him digusted."I cant tell you not when it can change the future dumb-arse."i told him still glaring at nothing.

Harry looked at me"Does it have to do wth quirell, cause you got like that after he showed up plus you were glaring at him the whole time."he said blushing when everyone looked at him.

I smirk along with kat and hermione."So how did you know exactly when she starting glaring."kat and hermione asked together.He blushed even more.Than a second year ravenclaw went by and he stared at her giggling with her friends.

One of her friends pointed at harry and she turned to look than blushed when he was still looking at her.i got mad/jealous and got up amd went to leave.Kat and hermione got up glaring at harry and walked out with me.

Once we were out of the great hall i wasnt angry but sad.i might flirt but i still really like harry."Oh raven we know you like harry.But i know how to get back at him."kat told me smirking.But thats not what surprised me, what surprised me was when hermione starting smirking too.And with that we left for herbology.

_____________________i know its short but there you go enjoy_________________________

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