chapter 17

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Turns out that year was busy for all of us. Mione, Kat,and I passing every thing without having to study. Don't forget trolls, a three-headed dog named Fluffy, Harry and co thinking my godfather was after the sorcerer stone, going through some challenges where Ron sacrificed himself in a giant arse game of Wizard's Chess, then Harry and I going through fire with the help of Sevs potions and then facing Squirrel,yes I do know that's not his name so shushie, who had Moldyshorts living on the back of his head.
Blah blah blah Harry gets the stone from the mirror, blah blah blah Harry getting knocked out by a cloud of moldyshorts then it coming back trying to go through me but I of course saw it coming and moved at the last second. Dumbledore comes and gets us out of there,brings Harold to the hospital wing, blah blah blah blah blah Yay summerrrr.
Second year was a blast if you like giant snakes that petrified your friends,ghosts,and a cat. Harold gets blamed once again cause he can speak parsoltounge
Yada yada yada. Plot twist yeah turns out I'm a big threat so even though I'm a pureblood I got petrified right before Ginny Weasley got taken into the Chamber. Harold and Ronald go to save the day with the biggest fraud alive also known as Professor Goldylocks....well thats not his real name but I didn't bother to learn his name because he was a joke of a teacher. Ginny gets saved and all us petrified people get cured, once again we are sent on summer break and that leads to present day where I am meeting the Weasley's at the Leaky Cauldron along with Harry and Hermione.

Two of a Kind (harry potter love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora