chapter 5

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.:George's p.o.v:.

I don't even know what she is going through.My family has always been big with all my brothers and sister.She lost most of her family in the last war and now her parents are taken from her.She doesn't know if they are alive or not.

I just hope that where ever they are that they are okay and return home safely and soon.

.:raven p.o.v:.

George let me cry on his shoulder till I couldn't anymore.Which was only like ten minutes.

"Thank you for converting me george."I said looking down.He put his hand on my cheek and made me look at him.I felt something for george not gf/bf but like a brother.

"Its all good, I think of you in a little sister.Even if we check each other out.You know now that I think of it its probably a good thing that we aren't related because than I couldn't check you out without it being incest. "he said with a straight face.

I couldn't help it I started to laugh.I was laughing so hard I fell on the ground but kept laughing.He joined me and we just laughed for a good twenty minutes.

"You should probably go get ready.Cause I only have to get my trunk and fix my make up."I said sitting up.He got off the floor and offered me his hand.I took it and he helped me up.

We walked up the stairs and I went in my room and all the girls were sitting on my bed in a row and starring at me.

"Can I help you?"I asked them with a smirk.Kat smirked back"Yes, we were wondering if you and that twin outside the door have something going on?"she asked."I could ask you the same because the other twin is most likely listening right now."

"Do you like my brothers?"ginny asked as hermione walked over to open the door."yes ginny we love your brothers especially without shirts."we said motioning mione to open the door.

When she did the twin were looking like they were about to walk away."Do you think if we don't move they won't see us?"fred asked him.

"It can't hurt to try fred but I'm pretty sure that they can see us."george said back smirking.I turned to kat"I could of sworn I heard the twins but I can't see them."I said trying not to laugh.

"I know its like they turned invisible or something."kat said back.After that we waited five minutes when fred started to fall over from only having one foot.He fell.

We jumped "Fred where on earth did you come from.I could of sworn no one was there a few seconds ago."katlynn said sarcastically. We could take it any more.We laughed annd laughed."You think that's funny do you?"fred asks kat.

She shakes her head yes."Well do you think this is."he started tickling her and she didn't laugh or move.He looks at me "Is she not ticklish?" "No when we were ten she came over and I tickled her so she was like I don't want to be ticklish anymore. So I tried again and she didn't laugh or move.It was kinda creepy."I said shrugging.

He just starred at her still over her from trying to tickle her.Ron came in "Hey raven.....bloody hell fred why are you on top of her?"he asked kinda creeped out.

We all laughed at him.George and I were leaning on each other for support."Oh ron such a innocent mind but next time knock before you enter."I said standing without georges support.

"Don't worry I will.Geez, my mum only wanted to know if you would like to go with us to the station since your parents are gone."ron snapped alittle.

Everyone in the room starred at him while I smirked evilly at him."That was the part of you all staying in my house.Oh and ron watch your back because the last time someone was on my bad side she didn't leave her room for a whole six months after I pranked her."I said taking slow steps toward him glaring.

Everyone looked at kat who had paled and that was pretty hard considering how pale she already is."Ron you just made a really bad and big mistake."she said takimg a step away from me.

"Come on I'm pranked by the twins all the time what ever she does can't be too bad."he said smirking back.But that smirk was gone from what I said next."So I'm guessing you are deadly scared of spiders, you hate being the 'baby' of the boys, you don't like being the second best to all of your brothers, in the future you will almost always be second best to your bestfriend and you will think that the girl you like will be with your bestfriend, but in reality your bestfriend is with another of your group of friends and your crush is actually crushing on you.Oh don't forget about breaking your wand in second year, getting a howller, and than you have to watch one of your dear friends totured for your and your besties whereabouts."I said with a blank look on my face.

When I stepped back he was pale"Oh thats not all, don't eat whats not ment for you it will get you almost killed and stay clear of lavender"I said smirking and walking to sit on my bed while he stood shocked at what I said."Oh one more thing, percy I know your listening so when your out of hogwarts be carefull on picking your job think about family and soon to be family."I said looking at hermione.

All of the guys were starring at me like I was a seer or something. I laughed at myself when ron turned and ran out of my room."Don't forgett your rat its under your bed."I said than smirking when I heard him welp after checking to see if scappers was under there.

"Well I hope you liked the show but you need to get ready for the train.So boys out!"I said standing and shutting the door behind them.

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