Chapter Sixteen - Last Minute

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Hundreds of people stood in the courtyard of the capital, all ready to march out of the kingdom they had stayed blissfully safe in for so long. All of their eyes were in front of them though. Unwavering in their attention.

"We are all prepped for departure, Earth King." Iroh bowed his head in respect.

"Thank you General Iroh. General How?" The Earth King turned to the Leader if his Council of Five.

"Toph and I's troops are prepped and ready." He replied, dipping his head as well.

"And General Sung, the Terra Team?"

"Prepped and ready to stay behind." General Sung acknowledged, taking his turn to bow.

"Avatar?" The Earth King turned to his left to look at Aang right beside him.

"The Southern Water Tribe has been prepped and is ready." Aang did not bow his head, and instead stepped forward.

"We are all fighting for something greater than ourselves today. We are fighting for the chance to end the war. To stop the reign of injustice and bring back peace and balance to the four nations. Today we are not individual benders, but a greater force united against the misuse of power. May we prevail!" Aang yelled, rising his glider into the air.

"May we prevail!" Half a thousand voices echoed back. The thunder of footsteps that came next stopped Aang short of his following.
So many people. So many people could die today.

He shook his head and bit his lip. So many people have already died, he thought and his eyes found Katara easily in the crowd of green. Her blue dress bellowed behind her. Aang took a deep breath and remembered what he was fighting for.

For the goodness of humanity? For her?

He was fighting for harmony, for balance. As was the purpose of all the Avatars before him. He had no choice. He must fight.

But did the others? He wish he could ask them to stay behind. But what if Katara's healing powers could save someone, or if Zuko's expertise of the Fire Nation could help them escape quickly in case something went wrong, or if Toph's ability to "see" things father than any other person gave them warnings before attacks? Everyone had special abilities that they needed. No one was expendable.

Aang straightened his back. There was no time for second guesses. He marched along with his army.

There were three large Ba Sing Se ships to hold the soldiers, and three smaller ships from the water tribe fleet. As much as Katara wanted to be on her families ships, she knew her place was with the the Generals.

The small captains room at the top of the ship held them easily despite the close quarters. General Iroh, Katara, Zuko, and Captain Dio hovered around the controls.

"Aang is on Ship Jo with Toph and General How is on Ship Luna." Katara explained to Zuko with a curt tone. She didn't look at him as she spoke, eyes glued to the sea in front of her.

"Is Sokka with the Water Tribe Fleet?" He asked, voice intentionally soft. He didn't want to fight with her, but she seemed intent on it.

"Yes." Katara snapped and General Iroh glanced between them, unsure if he should intervene. His nephew caught his eye and shook his head, telling him not to say anything. He nodded and turned to the captain.

"Katara, can I talk to you?" Zuko whispered, reaching out to place gentle fingers on her wrist. She let him, the warmth of his touch combating the fire of her anger. They trudged out of the quarters and turned down a hallway toward the bunkers. They hesitated there for some privacy

"I'm sorry we are fighting right now. But I want you to know, before we go into this, that I really care about you, even when we are mad at each other." Zuko tried to look into her eyes but she was frowning at his feet. He ducked his head to see her and she blinked away from him.

"I don't really think I'm even mad at you." Katara muttered. "I'm mad at myself and this whole situation."

"Then why won't you look at me?" He asked, straightening up. He was relieved to know she wasn't mad at him though.

"Because I'm ashamed of how I acted. I was controlling and ridiculous. All because we had a difference of opinions when it came to preparing for this." She explained, still not looking at him. She tucked her arms around herself and tried to hold her guilt inside.

"It wasn't ridiculous. The choices we make right now mean life or death sometimes. I understand. I'm just sorry we didn't talk it out better." Zuko grabbed her face, trying to look into her eyes. He felt like his words weren't getting through to her. "Katara. Nothing could make me stay mad at you forever. I love you too much for that."

"You what?" Katara gasped, mouth opened as she stared at him.

"Uh, um." Zuko stuttered and dropped his hands, taking a step back only to find the wall.

"Zuko?" Katara whispered, finding his eyes. He was as far away from her as he could get, but Katara knew what he had said. And he meant it. She knew he did. He looked scared for a moment, afraid that she wouldn't feel the same way. She smiled and stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head on his chest. He was warm and soft and she felt safe.

After a moment he circled his own arms around her and he felt safe too.

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