Chapter Five - Escape

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Katara worked quickly, bending the water from the fountain to form a liquid cushion between her and the terror of Azula. With the cover she was able to hide around the corner of the fountain, waiting for a sign to attack.
She only hoped whatever was going on inside was to their advantage.

Zuko ran in the direction he thought Aang was in, hoping to explain his plan before it wouldn't work anymore. He was whipping through the smoke when he felt fire lick his heels and suddenly his backside. "Ahah!" He yelped in pain and buckled down, face pressed into the dirt below. He heard Katara yelling.

"Aang, help me!" Zuko shoved upward more resilient than ever. This was the deciding fight for him. They had to win this so he could have a fresh start. He stumbled further into the clear air but suddenly and the smoke and vapor disappeared, shoved out of the way. He saw Aang and Katara bending it away in front of him. Katara hadn't been in trouble, she was trying to help him. He smirked at them and turned on his side, careful of the burns on his back.
"I need a dome of earth over us right now," Zuko barked up at them. Aang nodded hesitantly and covered them quickly. Zuko lit a fire and sat up, gasping at the burns that skinned his backside.
"Okay, Aang we need the Dai Ly to leave Azula vulnerable. So you should suspend or trap their bending ability. Counter their own and they should be unable to move anything."

"Your uncle has already weakened three of them, it shouldn't be hard." Aang liked the plan so far.

"You'll need to keep them away while Katara and I take on Azula." He directed his attention to her as he said this, making sure she understood. "We have to overwhelm her with everything we have until she's out," Aang spoke up at this part of the plan.

"Whoa, I have to distract while you guys put your lives on the line! No way!" Aang yelled and Zuko's fire grew an inch bigger, he was lacking in control as his body flooded with adrenaline.

"You have to trust me!" Zuko hollered at him. "You're the only earth bender on our side that can stop the Dai Ly right now!" Aang frowned but nodded.

"Let's go." He said, sending the rock fort to the ground quickly.

"Katara!" Zuko sent his fire to reach the impact point between Azulas flames and Katara. She sent a wave of water covering her, protecting herself from the embers.

"ZuZu, you've come out of hiding." She joked, holding a fireball in eat hand. It was easy to see she was already growing tired. The stress between her eyebrows was intense.

Katara wasn't taking any more comments and sent dozens of ice daggers flying after Azula. She yelped as the first one grazed her cheek and ear but melted the rest within seconds. Zuko took the moments she was distracted to form whips and attack while maintaining the distance. Katara watched, thinking of the best way to utilize her ability, from a distance like Zuko was holding all she could do was send daggers or watch Azula burn her water into gas. She spared a glance at Zuko and caught his eye. She nodded at him before riding on a wave straight at his sister.
What is she thinking? Zuko's eyes flicked between Azula and Katara. He realized she was going to deal straight in close combat with his sister. She was crazy! Azula has trained for years in combat, there was no way Katara could take her on. His fear sparked his focus and he sent attack after attack on her, dragging her attention only to him. He faltered when Katara yelled, "Stop!"
She had leaked water under Azula and froze her from the legs, crawling the water quickly upward to freeze her altogether. Azula started to melt the ice but Katara kept refreezing the water, never letting the flame reach out.
Zuko spun around to see where Aang was, he had one hand out toward a dome that seemed to be surrounding the Dai Ly. Zuko exhale loudly when he saw Iroh running over to them. They had to figure out a more permanent solution to Azula.
Suddenly Katara called, "Aang we have to switch. I need to freeze the Dai Ly and you trap Azula."
"Okay." Aang heaved a breath and sent a dome around the frozen princess. He could have frozen the Dai Ly himself, but all the counter bending had exhausted him.
"On three, one, two, three!" Aang dropped the dome and Katara let free a tsunami of water, closing in on them quickly.
It was silent for a few moments and then everyone relaxed.
"You did it!" Iroh said, pumping a fist into the air. Aang frowned.
"We still need to get out of here, alert the King of the traitors, and find Toph and Sokka. Not to mention Azula's friends could be around the corner."
"Aang's right," Katara said, crossing her arms. "We need to get out of here."

"That water has to be from somewhere," Iroh pointed at the waterfall emptying into the fountain. Katara made a platform of ice for them to stand and Aang help her raise them into the world above. As the water beat on Zuko's back, he hissed in pain.
"Prince Zuko, are you okay?" Iroh touched his shoulder gently.
"Azula burned my back." He admitted.
"I'll heal you once we're safe." Katara told him, still concentrating on getting them above the waterfall. Zuko studies her movements, the arch of her palm and graceful way her fingers danced with the water. Her hair was torn from its usual braid, leaving her hair waving and . . . Beautiful. Her eyebrows were pulled up in focus, making her lips pout slightly. Before he knew it they were hit with dry air, no longer getting showered on. Despite the pain, Zuko barely registered any feeling besides the hope consuming him when he saw the people in front of him.

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