Chapter Seven - Friendly War Plans

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"What exactly are the war plans?" Zuko leaned against the table, eager to start helping take down his father's empire.

"Whoa, should we even tell him anything? He is the fire lord's son." Sokka reminded them from his end of the table.

"He proved himself enough already." Katara countered. "He nearly killed his own sister for us."

"I could - we could proved valuable information." Zuko admitted, referring to him and his uncle.

"No way am I-" Sokka started with a scowl, But was cut off by his sister.

"King, I think we need a minute to converse before we work together." Katara enunciated the last word and pushed off from the table. Zuko twitched with the desire to follow her, but until he saw the rest of the group stand, he wasn't going to jump to conclusions. He knew that he had done some questionable things in the past so these people weren't going to place their trust in him just yet. However, Katara's trust seemed nearly unconditional.

For a split second he realized he was worried about her. She shouldn't trust so easily, even if it was him. He shook his head and gripped the table, anxious for the response from the rest of the room.

"Okay, lets go play a round of courtroom. Judge Zuko's sins." Toph smiled and stood, walking around the table to meet Katara's side. "If you're anything like your uncle, I'm sure I'll like you." Despite being blind she looked directly at him, which made Zuko wonder if she had any special abilities.

Aang nodded, "I'm willing to listen."

Sokka scoffed from his seat. "That guru messed with your mind Aang, I would've thought you should hate him the most. He's been chasing you down for weeks!"

"People change. Things change." No one missed it when he glanced at Katara. Zuko narrowed his eyes between them. Of course. He'd noticed it before but didn't think they were serious. They actually liked each other - but it didn't seem to be going well judging by Aang's comment.

Zuko stood up next with his uncle and waited for them to walk out. Katara spared a glance at Sokka, "We are going to discuss this. It's better for you to come along to speak your opinion." Without waiting for a response they left the King to his own devices.

"Do return by tonight. We would benefit from working quickly." His words left a small radiance of fear in all of the gang.

They traveled through the capital building until they came to an empty conference room.

He looked from face to face and they lingered on Aang's. Avatar, the one who holds the most honor in the whole world. The one person who was created to keep balance and harmony. If Zuko was loyal to him, there would be no reason for betrayal.

Then he looked at Katara, the girl who trusts too much. There was no way these people would hurt him without reason. He wouldn't give them one.

They took their seats at the wide circular table and while guidance would have fallen on Aang, everyone looked readily at Katara. She cleared her throat and started simple.

"Zuko helped me. He protected me and Aang. When we were fight Azula - his own sister - he never faultered. He's changed and needs our acceptance and support not only because he deserves it but because we need him too."

Zuko stares at her from across the room, and when he caught her eye, he mouthed Thank you. She smiled warmly.

"I agree, we aren't going to war with each other, but with the Fire Lord, and if Zuko has come too see that they are an issue, I am happy to welcome his support." Aang spoke with assurance to the rest of the group, his tone almost scholarly.

Toph just nodded, "Ditto. I have nothing but a firm handshake for you, dude."

"Listen," Sokka sighed. "I get it, you guys have seen him have your backs, but what happens when he gets a better offer? What happens when his past catches up to him and one of us is in the way?" He pleaded with his eyes on his sister. "What happens if we get burned?" His words held an obvious double meaning and Zuko saw Aang tense at the mention of burns. Everyone seemed to be chewing on the words for several long moments.

"May I speak?" Zuko asked, placing his hands flat on the table.

"No," Sokka spat at the same time Katara said, "Of course."

He cleared his throat, "I must say I don't think your suspicions are unjust, Sokka. However, it is a widely known fact that I am banished from the Fire Nation. I can never work my way into my position as a Prince ever again." He very carefully left out the condition of the Avatar, it no longer mattered.

"There! We can trust him and you can stop being so judgemental!" Katara growled at her brother.

"Hey, lets keep the peace." Aang put his hands between them, acting as a physical barrier.

"Okay, what happened with the guru and why are you so calm and orderly all of the sudden?" Toph scoffed and sat straighter with honest curiousity.

Aang cleared his throat as everyone's eyes fell in him.

"I opened all of my chakras." The words were heavy but Aang didn't stop to let them sink in, "I've talked with a few of my past lives in the spirit world and I've learned a lot about being the Avatar. I've had to let a few things go." He admitted and folded his hands in his lap, shrugging. "That's all."

Sokka coughed and sat up straighter. "To move past that, since we are done discussing Zuko's involvement..." he hesitated and looked at his sister, "Katara, dad wanted me to tell you he misses you." His words were somber.

The room was quiet and Katara didn't reply, only nodded in understanding. After a minute of the awkward silence, she said, "Toph, how's your family?"

Toph laughed unexpectedly and Katara jumped in surprise at her outburst in the quiet room. "Long story short, I was captured by some of my parents friends to smuggle me home and I learned how to bend metal."

Zuko's jaw dropped and he stammered, "You- you what?"

"I know right?" Toph laughed at his loss for words.

"Incredible." He heard his uncle mutter from behind him, speaking for the first time.

"While we are talking about it, Katara what did you and Zuko do while you were captured?" Toph changed the subject and stretched backwards, falling to the ground. Katara and Zuko glanced over at one another.

Zuko decided to be honest, "She mostly called me names."

Katara frowned at him, "I did not! Sure I yelled at you, but no names were tossed about." They chuckled a little and Aang watched with narrowed eyes.

"So." Aang barked, "Zuko is staying and Toph and I have grown in our abilities. We are all together caught up. But now is the time to present ourselves as a united front to ally with the Earth Kingdom. No more fighting. We have one goal-" Zuko butted in, steel lacing his tone.

"To take down my father and his nation."

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