Chapter Four - Azula

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Of course she saw her uncle drag the peasant away. But her priorities were in front of her.

"This is going to end now." Her brother spoke confidently, it almost made her laugh.

"You're right." She sent a bolt flashing toward them at remarkable speed. However, Zuko ducked while the Avatar ran underneath of it.

He didn't cross her vision until it was too late. The floor beneath her fell and she was sucked into the whole. Before she could jump back out, the ground contracted around her.

"Dai Ly!" She hollered, infuriated that they had let this happen. As she turned her head though, she saw that they were gone. "Damn it!"

"Time to go, Azula." Zuko frowned down at her. The Avatar slammed a foot into the ground and simultaneously rose a hand and lowered the other to remove her trap from the ground. She was dragged behind the two boys while they raced down a tunnel after Iroh. Azula was livid at the Dai Ly for abandoning her, being trapped like she was didn't help.

"Zuko. Father will never forgive you for this. You will die a failure. And I will be the one to kill you!" Aang flinched as her voice boomed around them. He glanced at Zuko, making sure he wasn't falling into her trap. The pain that etched into his face made it hard to tell.
"Aang! Zuko! Over here!" Katara called from across the courtyard. They stumbled out of the cave and surveyed the expansive underground arena ahead of them. A large fountain sputtered crystal clear water in the middle of the cave, with small streams trickled passed and into holes that led beyond the walls. Before anyone could reply, the rock that was holding Azula suddenly burst, sending shards deploying over Zuko and Aang. A larger rock shot right into Zukos torso.
      "Oof!" He was knocked to the ground and his head glanced off the floor.
     Aang searched for the source of why she was freed, and immediately saw the Dai Ly standing on a ledge about ten yards from the ground.

"Aang!" Katara yelled as she and Iroh ran toward them. There wasn't enough time to warn him before Azula sent her blue flames chasing after him. With a yelp he flew into the air, jumping over the fire. He landed with scorched shoes still smoking.

"Let's get this over with." Azula growled, frizzed hair overpowering her face. Aang frowned, but waited for her to attack first, not willing to throw the first punch. Katara stood a few feet behind them, waiting to aid Aang however she could.

Iroh shoved some rocks off of Zuko and helped him up. He stumbled slightly and Iroh dragged him behind the piled of rocks.

"Zuko?" Iroh spoke, wanting his attention.

"Yeah... I'm fine, I think I hit my head." Zuko shook his uncle off and stood up, but Iroh yanked him back down.

"I need to tell you something before you do anything... I'm proud of you, Zuko." Iroh had a hand on Zuko's shoulder and he smiled at his nephew. There was a million unspoken words behind his uncles eyes, but in the heat of battle Zuko could only reply curtly.

"Thank you, Iroh." Zuko bowed his head in respect. However, his head shot up at the sudden flash of blue light. He jumped over the debris and wasn't surprised to see Azula playing with electricity.

"Try and stop this, Avatar." She snarled and built up the tension in her bolt, the atoms were moving at remarkable speed, making the light blue with heat.

Azula stared at the teenagers in front of her. The Avatar, suppose to be the master of all four elements. Zuko, her lost older brother. And Katara. . . some girl they seemed to care for.

Someone they cared for a lot. . .

Azula smirked at her and sent the bolt striking towards her. With the intoxicating pulse out of her hands, she watched shocked as her brother stood between them. The electricity was visible as it danced across his skin. With a jerk of his arm, he sent the lightening shooting back at her. She flung her arms up for lack of any better defense, but never felt her own heated power. The Dai Ly had made a barracked in front of her, absorbing the electricity.

Katara stared at Zuko ahead of her and felt her jaw drop, he was actually going to help them. Surprise and awe almost overwhelmed her. He spared a look behind him to make sure she was okay and almost stopped when he saw her expression. She looked so confused but relieved at the same time. He refocused his mind and tried to figure the best option for their situation. With five Dai Ly agents on Azula's side, it was in the Avatars best interest to suppress their Earth bending with his own. That way Azula would be vulnerable. Then Zuko and Katara could take her on themselves. Zuko had almost forgotten his uncle was there, but he couldn't risk letting him fight. Zuko couldn't let him get hurt.

Just as Zuko was figuring out a plan, he realized his uncle wasn't next to the fountain anymore.

Aang was building stairs up under the ledge of the Dai Ly, who didn't seem to notice. Zuko's rage flared when he realized this. Aang was going to get his uncle killed. His uncle was peering over the ledge and Zuko could see him inhale deeply - he knew that his uncle was about to unleash a river of fire onto the Dai Ly.

Suddenly, a wave of water arched over Zuko, meeting fire sent by Azula in a cloud of water vapor and smoke.

No one could see anything.

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