Chapter 3- Kitten

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Tiffany gave me a small smile when I joined her and Jazz, "Hey, feeling better?"

"Yeah, I told you I was fine," I reminded her. I didn't look at her as I spoke, scanning the schoolyard instead. I was wondering when Tristan would get here. Hopefully he was going to my school; there weren't really any other options nearby.

Jazz nudged my shoulder with hers, "Can we tell her about the plan?"

"I don't see why not, it's not like it's a big secret," I shrugged. Jazz explained how I was planning to get Tristan to like me while I smiled at people I recognized. Most of the girls were staring at us, wondering what fashion trend we would chose this year.

Tiffany gasped when Jazz finished, "Are you serious? You're going to risk throwing away our reputation for some nerd boy?"

"For the last time, he is not a nerd," I ground out. Why did everyone think he was such a nerd? As my eyes landed on him, I got my answer. He was dressed in baggy clothes and his glasses pushed up on his nose. He was even talking to the other school nerds.

Tiffany and Jazz laughed as they saw him too. I threw them a glare and marched over to Tristan. Beside him were Jake, Elise and Sam; they looked astonished at the fact that I had joined them. I smiled politely and moved next to Tristan, "Hi."

"What do you want?" He asked bitterly. I didn't let my annoyance show on my face, it would only be counterproductive. 

Instead I kept my smile and replied, "What do you mean? I just thought I would come over and say hi. I know you're new and you might want someone to show you around."

"We were showing him around," Elise said meekly. And I felt jealousy stirring in my stomach. I glanced at her and saw her staring at Tristan with starry eyes. She was crushing on my mate! I had half a mind to attack her; her ignorance was the only reason I didn't. She had no idea that Tristan was mine.

I nodded as if I were actually considering what she had said, "Well, I can do it. I know you don't want to be late on the first day of school. But I don't mind showing him to his classes."

"We're all going to the office to get our schedules; we can all go," Jazz suggested. She had a point, but I didn't want to admit it.

Tiffany smiled as well, "That's a great idea."

"Why are you even talking to us?" Jake asked. He probably thought we were planning something. However I could see Sam figuring it out as he looked between me and Tristan. Sam was a Shifter as well which meant he knew how far we would go for our mates.

Thankfully Sam waved off his friend, "They're talking to us. Why not just accept it?"

"Well, I'm going to go get my schedule," Elise announced as she headed towards the school. I hated that girl. She was the student president and taking college level classes. She seemed to think being top in the class made her better than everyone else, despite her pigtail braids and glasses.

We all followed behind her, me and Tristan in the back. Tiffany and Jazz were arguing about something with Sam and Jake. As soon as he was sure they weren't listening in, Tristan asked me, "What are you doing, Riley?" He hissed my name like a cuss word and I couldn't help being offended. But I shook it off and stuck to the plan.

"I don't know what you mean. So, is it okay if I call you Kitten?" I replied while examining my fingernails. I really needed to repaint them soon.

"No it's not. And you know exactly what I mean," He snarled at me. I ignored how angry he was getting and looked up from my nails.

I smiled and nodded, "Kitten it is."

"Riley!" He protested in an annoyed tone. Maybe I was wrong; maybe he wasn't my mate. How could my mate be such an ass? Just as the thought crossed my mind, his arm accidentally brushed against mine. The tingles proved once again that he was my mate. I had to make him accept me. Why was he being so stubborn anyways? It's not like I was mean or ugly.

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