Chapter 2- A Rejection Inspired Plan

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When the class came to an end Tristan started to move away from me and I automatically clasped onto his arm with my hands. "Where are you going?"

"Home," He answered as if I were too stupid to know what that meant. There was definitely something wrong with him.

I sighed, "Well, can we meet up some other time?" He groaned and looked around before bringing his lips next to my ear. My breathing was uneven, but what he said made it stop completely.

"Look Riley, I know what you are and I know that you know what I am. I know we're supposed to be mates, but that means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me, so leave me alone," He hissed before pulling out of my grasp and exiting the room. I stood there, shell shocked. I was pretty sure he just rejected me.

Every word he had said stung my heart like a knife. I fought off the tears coming to my eyes and just stood there until Tiffany broke me out of it. "Riley, are you okay? You look heartbroken."

"I'm fine," I whispered, not trusting my voice. I would have to lead my Streak without a husband. I would never marry or fall in love. It was all over. He had rejected me and hurt me, but for some reason I still wanted him.

Somehow I managed to pull myself together long enough to convince Tiffany that I was okay. Then I went to the photo-shoot and modeled amazing outfits. I couldn't even admire the clothes as I faked smiles for the camera. It was like I was brain dead.

When I got to home Dad greeted me in the yard, "Riley, are you ready for practice?" I looked at him and shook my head.

"No Dad, I can't practice today. I need to talk to Jazz," I replied shakily.

He frowned, "What do you mean you can't practice today? We always practice. You need to be ready."

"I can't today," I screamed before running past him to my bedroom. I had stunned him enough that he didn't follow me. Once I was in my room, tears began to fall and I dialed Jazz's number. Hopefully she could tell me what to do.

"So he rejected you?" Jazz asked furiously as we sat in my room. "A stupid nerd rejected you? Who the hell does he think he is?"

I didn't take my head from my pillow, "Jazz, he doesn't want me. What do I do? All my life I thought my mate would love me the same way I would love him. But he doesn't even want me."

"So you're just going to give up? That doesn't sound like the Riley I know," She told me, still looking mad.

I shrugged, "What else can I do?"

She groaned, "You tell me. Come on Riley, you know you can't just let him go. You have every guy in school after you and you're telling me you can't convince one nerd to give you a chance?"

"He's not a nerd and- oh my god, you're right!" I flew into a sitting position, my crying finally stopping, and I exclaimed, "If he doesn't want me now, I'll make sure he does soon. I'll convince him to love me."

Jazz grinned and clapped, "There you go! Now, let's go buy you some hot outfits that will make him fall for you."

"Okay," I agreed with a smile, "Just let me fix my makeup." I knew without a doubt I would win him over. How hard could it possibly be?

"Are you sure you're going to do this?" Jazz asked me. It was Monday morning and we were both in my room because she had slept over the night before. Today was the first day of school and I was going to put my plan into action. I didn't have the dance class yesterday, because it was a Sunday, but I would see Tristan today.

I nodded, "Yeah, do you think it's too much?" I looked over my outfit in the full length mirror hanging on my wall. I was wearing a sky blue dress that fell to my knees and a pair of heels. My hair was down and I had done my makeup to match perfectly.

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