Chapter 21- Siempre Recordar

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Once I was done cleaning around Tristan’s eye, I threw away the cue-tip and instructed him, “Take off your shirt.” Thankfully, he didn’t protest. He just shut and locked the door before pulling off his shirt. I tried to ignore his muscles and focus on his lower arm which had a cut that was bleeding. It wasn’t too bad, but it still made me sick.

Tristan noticed and said, “I can do that.”

I shook my head, “I’ve got it.” As I started disinfecting it, I said, “We’re so going to be kicked out of dance class. And there was even going to be a ball at the end of the course...”

“Well the ball’s not for two more weeks. So how about once you get better, you can teach me the rest of the dance and we can go?” He offered and I agreed.

I smiled, “That sounds like an awesome plan. But boy do I have my work cut out for me; teaching you to dance.”

“Hey,” he complained. I finished cleaning his wrist and wrapped it in a bandage before putting my arms around his neck and pulling him just a little bit closer to me. Then I dropped my arms and ran my fingers across his muscled chest. Tristan caught my hands in his and turned them so our fingers were interlaced. I started to protest, but he stopped me by kissing me. I started kissing him back… until the the bathroom door flew open.

“What the hell?” Jason roared and I instantly pulled away from Tristan, letting him step away from me.

I smiled innocently at my brother, “Hey Jason.”

“What were you doing?” He hissed. I sighed, he was definitely mad about something he had no right to be mad about.

“What did it look like? I was kissing my boyfriend,” I stated, annoyed at him for being so protective.

He shook his head, “He wasn’t wearing a shirt and you were not just kissing him, you were so making out.”

I rolled my eyes, “If you knew what we were doing, then why did you ask?”

“Riley,” he threatened in a low voice. I was about to tell him off for talking to me that way when Tristan did it for me.

“Don’t talk to her like that,” he snarled.

Jason turned his glare to Tristan, “Put on your shirt and don’t tell me how to talk to my sister!”

“Jason, stop it!” I yelled to get his attention. Both boys turned to me with surprise on their faces. I scowled at my brother, “Yeah we were making out, so what? You are my younger brother, not my dad.”

He hesitated and then smirked, “Fine, then I’ll go tell Dad and we’ll see what he thinks.” My eyes got wide in shock and I jumped off the counter, ready to stop him. However, I forgot about my broken leg and ended up tumbling to the floor.

“Riley!” Tristan exclaimed, bending down and picking me up. I sniffled as I tried not to cry at the pain.

Jason stared at me with worry, “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to make you fall. I didn’t want you to get hurt, I swear.”

“Just leave us alone,” I demanded and then mumbled to Tristan, “Can we go back to my room?”

He nodded, “Of course.” And he carried me back to my room, putting me on the bed and then lying next to me. He hugged me gently, helping to distract me. 

“Are you okay?” He asked softly.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat, feeling weak. “Yeah, I’m fine. It just surprised me; it didn’t even hurt very much. And I think Jason feels too guilty to tell my dad about us making out!”

Tristan rolled his eyes, “That’s not worth you getting hurt.”

“If you say so,” I said in reply, tracing my finger across one of his scars on his chest. He shivered and I grinned, making him fake glare at me. He leaned in and kissed under my ear, making me shiver as well.

He smirked, “See, I can do that too.”

“Whatever,” I muttered through my laughter.

He laughed and pecked my lips, “What’s your favorite fruit?” I hesitated, surprised by the question.

“I guess banana,” I answered slowly.

 “What is something nobody else knows about you?” I laughed, trying to think of something that not even Jazz knew about me.

“One time Casey, my older sister, had a boyfriend that kissed me. I was fifteen and he was seventeen,” I told him.

Tristan scowled. “What did you do?”

I grinned, “I kicked him where it hurt and then I told him if he ever did it again, I would make sure his life was hell. Then I convinced Casey to dump him in front of the whole school.”

“Good job,” He smiled, kissing my nose. “What is your favorite drink?”

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t know… Dr. Pepper. Now, what’s with all the questions?” He shrugged and I narrowed my eyes.

“I just want to know more about you,” he replied simply. I smiled at the sweetness of what he’d said.

Then I asked, “What’s something no one else knows about you?”

“I can turn into a white tiger,” he reminded me and I scoffed.

“Something I didn’t already know,” I muttered, lightly pushing his shoulder. He did the same to me.

And then he sighed, “You already know all of my secrets; every single one. So, what was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? And what was the greatest thing?”

I frowned, but answered, “The most embarrassing was when the whole school found out I was ‘obsessing’ over you. And the greatest thing that has ever happened to me was meeting you. And you’ve got to have some secret I don’t know.”

“Well… I do have a tattoo,” he told me and I gaped at him. He smiled sheepishly and I shook my head.

Then I laughed, “Well, show me!” He grinned and rolled over on the bed so his back was facing me. And it was true, he did have a tattoo. It was a dark red heart with light blue writing inside: ‘Siempre Recordar’. I traced the heart with my finger, “What does it mean?”

He turned back around to face me. “It means ‘always remember.’ I got it when I was thirteen; Price was too drunk to realize he was signing a form allowing me to get a tattoo.”

“It’s beautiful,” I breathed, “Do you know Spanish?”

He nodded, “Si, mi amor.”

“What does amor mean? I know the rest,” I told him, anxious to know what he’d called me.

Tristan smirked and pecked my lips. “I said ‘yes, my love.’”

I grinned at him and replied, “I love you too.”

“I know.” Tristan smirked.

“Shut up,” I muttered, causing him to laugh and roll his eyes, before continuing the questionnaire. And we spent the rest of the time, learning random facts about each other.

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