Chapter 26- Like A Fairytale

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When Tristan parked in front of the high school, I was more than surprised. It was the weekend so there wasn't anyone at the school. Tristan got out of the car so I hesitantly followed. He came over to me, grinning, while I looked at him like he was crazy. I actually feared for his sanity right now.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the side of the building. I raised a brow and asked, "Why are we here?"

"Just be careful when you're climbing," he warned me and I caught sight of a ladder, probably leading up to the roof.

I shook my head, "I'm not going up there!"

"Oh come on Riley; it'll be worth it, I promise. You can go first and I'll catch you if you fall," he offered. I rolled my eyes, knowing that wouldn't help anything- he would just fall as well. But I started climbing regardless, if he really wanted me to do this then I would. And I trusted him, besides I'd never slipped off a ladder before and I was kind of curious to see why we were going to the roof of our old school.

Once I reached the roof, I took a look around and was shocked. There were plants and trees all around and a table that was in the middle of the roof. Gold and red lights were wrapped around the trees and it went well with the sunset.

"What do you think?" I heard Tristan ask from right behind me. I jumped and turned around, not expecting him to be so close to me. I hadn't even heard him get off the ladder. Maybe I was too immersed in the setting.

I smiled at him, "You did this?"

"Well, I did the lights and the table, not the trees and bushes obviously. So, do you like it?" He repeated himself, sounding nervous that I hadn't answered his question the first time.

I grinned, "No... I love it! It's amazing; I feel so bad for not doing something like this on your birthday." Instead of replying, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him, kissing me firmly.

When he pulled away he said, "Stop beating yourself up over things you didn't do for my birthday. You saved me and you gave me the best birthday I've had since I was six years old."

"Okay," was all I could say, still breathing heavy from his kiss.

He smiled at my response, "Would you like to sit?" He walked over to the table and pulled out one of the chairs, indicating for me to sit in it.

I did, and told him, "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure," he said as he sat across from me and then called out, "Sam, are you there?" Less than a minute later, a guy came out from behind a tree. He was wearing a tux and holding some paper and I realized with amusement that it was Sam- one of Tristan's friends and a Streak member.

He walked over to our table and handed us each a piece of paper. They were folded in half and labeled menu. I smiled and opened it while he introduced himself, "I'm Sam and I'll be your server for tonight. What can I get you to drink?"

I found the drink section and laughed at the options; there was water or water or water. I looked up at Sam and told him, "I'll have water."

"Same for me," Tristan pitched in.

Sam nodded, looking extremely uninterested, "I'll be right out with those." I watched him walk away, somewhere behind a cluster of trees, and then I turned to Tristan.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "You got Sam to be the waiter? Can I ask how on earth you managed that?" Sam was the type of guy that preferred staying home and playing video games.

Tristan gave me a mysterious smile, "I have my ways and he owed me. Sorry about the limited number of choices on the menu, it was all I could make."

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