The Fight

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(The next morning salt comes and gets both Capri and Capri Jr. Then she leads them to the rest of her pack. Peper noticing her stands up and growls.)
Pepper: Salt? What is the meaning of this?!
Salt: She is going to challenge you for leadership of the pack.
Pepper: A challenge?! Salt I knew I should have kicked you out of our pack when you killed dimen!
Salt: Its you're fault he died. You wouldn't help me pull him up from the tree over the waterfall. You say and watched as I nearly went down with him. Now, you die for it.
Pepper: There was nothing we could do!
Salt: You tell him that when you meet Sasuke.
Capri: By my right as another alpha I challenge you pepper for leadership of you're pack!
Pepper (snarling): I accept! Let the strongest alpha win.
(Capri and Pepper fight very hard. Pepper puts up a very very good fight but in the end Capri is standing over her with her neck in her mouth. Capri clenches her teeth.)
Capri: Do you submit to me Pepper?
Pepper: Never...
Capri (snarling): Then die!
(Capri snaps Peppers neck and let's her fall to the floor.)
Wheylin: PEPPER!!! NOOOO!!!
Capri: Pepper is gone. I'm in charge now. Our first mission is to go and kill Wendigo.
Gigabyte: Wendigo?! The Wendigo?! I've only heard legends about him!
Capri: Well, it's time that the legend falls.
(Capri walks and the others follow behind her avoiding stepping on Peppers body. Wheylin watches her lifeless body as he passes.)
Wheylin: She was fearless in life as she was in death. Rest in peace Pepper.
Salt: What was that Wheylin?
Wheylin: Nothing.
(Capri stops and turns around.)
Capri: Oh, and one more thing, salt is my new beta. So listen to her.
Capri Jr.: Mommy. Can I kill Max, Morrigan, and Moon?
Capri: Of course you can sweetie. Now let's go.
(Capri walks off with the others following behind her. Moon wakes up next to Max. She feels strange so she goes downstairs and wakes up her mother.)
Moon: Mommy?
Pyron: Hmm?
Moon: I think somethings wrong. My gut is telling me theres something big about to happen...
Pyron: Dont worry about it.
Moon: Mommy please!
(Pyron looks in Moons eyes. Then she gets everyone up and tells them about the dream she had.)
Wendigo: If Capri took on Pepper and won her entire pack must be headed this way!
Pyron: Will we have enough wolves to fight?!
(Wendigo looks outside seeing Capris pack approaching.)
Wendigo (worried): Its four against 4 here. But if we keep the pups here something dangerous could happen to them. Lilac, I want you to take the pups and get out of here!
Lilac: Got it. Come on pups!
(Lilac picks up Morrigan and Max follows right behind moon. Lilac goes to the back of the barn and slow trots into the brush making sure the pups can keep up. Capri gets to the midway point in the field.)
Pyron: Wendigo, just in case we dont get out of this alive I want you to know that it's been an honor serving you.
Wendigo: We will survive. I promise.
Lakota: Let's hope so.
(Capri comes to the entrance of the barn with her new pack and comes inside.)
Capri: Hello Wendigo.
Wendigo: Hello Capri. What do you want?
Capri: That's simple. I want you're entire packs head. Attack!
(Capri lunges for Wendigo and they start fighting, salt takes on Pyron and Lakota takes on Wheylin. Gigabyte notices a strange scent and follows it behind the barn and into the brush. Lilac is still speedwalking.)
Max: Will daddy be ok?
Lilac: You're father is a strong alpha. Itll be hard to take him down.
Moon: Dont worry. I'll be here to protect you if something goes wrong.
Max: Ok...
(Lilac walks into a clearing and looks around. Above her is a small den in a hillside.)
Lilac: You pups stay here. Let me go check out that den.
(Lilac walks over to the den and cautiously inspects it.)
Lilac: You guys can come over now. No one has used this den in a long time.
(The pups all go in the den and Lilac takes one last look at the treeline before going in.)
Lilac: Make yourselves comfy. Were going to be here for a while.
(Lilac lays down on the ground and Max curls up to Moon. The pups all go to sleep and Lilac notices a strange pain in her stomach. Lilac moans in pain.)
Moon: Lilac? Are you ok?
Lilac (moaning): No. Please not now...
Moon: Wait! They're coming now?!?!
Lilac: Yes!
Moon: Oh no...
Max: Who's coming?
Moon: Lilacs pups.
(Gigabyte comes out from the brush and smells around the clearing.)
Moon: Ah speaking of which! We have company!
Max: What do we do?!?!

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