Attack Of The Men In The White Van 2

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(The scene opens up on the pack in the morning. The city is buzzing with life and everyone is already awake. Capri is covering her ears.)
Capri: Cant they shut it for five minutes?!
Lilac: Welcome to the city. Anyway. Guys we had better get going asap. This is one of the places that the animal police look for stray animals. We need to move quickly.
Wendigo: You've got it. Everyone on you're feet. Let's go!
(Everyone gets up and Follows Lilac through the city. They all run and stop at crosswalks... until they notice a while van following them.)
Lilac: Run! It's the animal Police!
(They all bolt as fast as they can. They split into different directions. Lakota goes with lilac down an alleyway, capri and Equinox run forward down the street and Pyron and Wendigo bolt through yards running. The animal police follow Capri and Equinox. After running for a while Lilac and Lakota stop to catch their breath.)
Lilac: Lakota these police dont give up easy. We need to find a place to hide and quickly!
(Lakota looks around.)
Lakota: Over here!
(Theres a old shack with a hole in it's back that looks abandoned. There is a chain bolting the doors shut. Lilac and Lakota slip through the hole and go inside. When they get inside the place looks very old. They sit down and pant for a few moments.)
Lakota (panting): I dont smell any fresh human scents here. We should be safe.
Lilac: Alright. Let's wait here until nightfall. Then we can go and try to find the others.
Lakota: Alright. Let's focus on our needs then. How do we find food?
Lilac: Well, let's just wait here until nightfall. We arent that far away from the countryside now.
Lakota: Got it. Lilac... theres something I've been wanting to talk to you about.
Lilac: What's up?
Lakota: Ever since I met you I've felt like a magnet to you. I've felt strange. Choking up. Getting nervous around you. I....
Lilac: I have too.
Lakota: Then.... will... you be my mate?
Lilac (smiling): Its about time you asked.
(Lilac moves up against Lakotas chest and hugs him. Lakota puts his head down on Lilac.)
Lakota: So... that's a yes?
Lilac: Yes.
Lakota: We can be together now and forever. We have no alpha anymore and we are alone. If the alpha doesnt find us we can start a pack of our own.
Lilac: I like that idea.
(Lakota hugs her and watches the sky from a tiny hole in the ceiling of the shack. Then he licks the side of her cheek once. Loka gently nuzzles his muzzle... Wendigo and Pyron are hidden in the brush. Both relaxing.)
Wendigo: Pyron. We need to go find the others.
Pyron: Let's at least wait until nightfall. Itll be safer then.
Wendigo: We should head in the direction that Lilac was leading us. That should take us right to the countryside. Then we will probably meet up again.
Pyron: Have you decided on who you're mate will be?
Wendigo: Yes. I have. I have chosen...
(Capri and Equinox are hiding in a dumpster.)
Capri: Go through the city she said! We will be fine if you follow my lead she said! Yet look! Here we are running from some crazy humans!
(Equinox remains silent.)
Capri: I'm talking to you Equinox!
Equinox: I'm sorry. I do think we did the right thing though. We probably would have starved to death if we had stayed there.
Capri: At least if we would have stayed we could have eaten her.
Equinox (suprised): You would eat another wolf?! Isnt that cannibalism?!
Capri: I would if it meant survival of the fittest. After all, the only wolves that matter are the high ranked ones. Wolves that are weaklings dont deserve to live.
(Equinox watches her with suprise written all over his face.)
Capri: Dont worry, I wont eat you unless you become a nuisance or I get too hungry.
(Equinox shudders. Hes never been a fighter. Capri lays down and relaxes. Equinox lays down but watches her closely until nightfall comes.)

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