Finding Master

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(Lilac and Lakota run up on the jail and over to one of the officers,  A normal colored German shepherd. Lilac stands behind Lakota.)

Lakota: Hi Bengi!
Bengi: Hi Lakota. How are you? I havent seen you in a long time.
Lakota: I'm actually here looking for Lilacs master.
Bengi: Master? What's his name miss?
Lilac: Irman Trouble.
Bengi: So you're that crazy wolf that those two pound men were talking about.
Lilac: I'm sorry but they're the crazy ones! They tried to break into my house!
Bengi: You know why pound men come to pick up dogs from their homes right?
Lakota (saddned): Oh no...
Lilac: Why?
Bengi: You're master was placed on death row.
Lilac (suprised): Death row?! Why?!
Bengi: I dont know, but I can take you to him.
Lilac: Please!
Bengi: Follow me.
(Bengi leads Lilac and Lakota into the jail ignoring all the worried looks of the humans. He leads them to death row and Lilac runs down the row looking for her master. The second she hears his voice she comes to a complete stop at his door. His sadly is the one right in front.)
Irman: Hi baby!
(Lilac whimpers and scratches on the door.)
Bengi: Hang on. I can get someone to open the door for you.
(Bengi starts barking and soon enough three men come around the corner.)
Officer: What is it boy?
(The officer looks at Lilac.)
Officer: Is this you're dog Irman? I hear she bit the dog catchers.
Bengi: This is my partner. He will help you.
Irman: Yes she is. As a last minute request can she come in so I can say my goodbyes?
(The officer nods and opens the jail cell for a second letting Lilac in. Lilac plays with Irman for a moment before he hugs her tightly. Lakota comes in and sits down near the door.)
Irman: How are you doing girl? Now. Theres something papa's gotta talk to you about.
(Irman let's lilac go and she sits in front on him staring.)
Irman: Baby... I got into some trouble with the law... I'm afraid I wont be coming home again. So i want you to do something for me. Run free with other wolves like you're mate over there.
(Irman gestures to Lakota.)
Lilac: < Hes not my mate master.>
Irman: Live a good life and have loads of puppies for me ok?
Lilac: < I dont know. If you arent coming home then I'll stay right here with you master. >
Irman: Now it's time for you and me to say our last goodbyes. I love you very much Lilac. Dont forget that. I'll see you over the rainbow bridge I promise.
Lilac: < Goodbye?! You arent even going to fight you're way out?! Master... >
Irman: I've done something very wrong and i feel like I should atone for it.
(The two other men go past Lakota and into the cell.)
Man 1: Its you're time old man.
Irman (sadly): Goodbye My baby Lilac.
(The men wrestle him up.)
Irman: Never forget that I love you.
(Lilac begins barking at the men and Lakota and Bengi grab ahold of her tight enough to hold her back from attacking them. She whimpers and barks continuously as she watches the men leave trying to follow them. They hear the door slam that leads to the outside of death row. Then Bengi and Lakota let her go. She darts down the hallway and runs into the locked door. Barking and snarling madly. Lakota and bengi catch up to her.)
Bengi: Miss please stop. Hes gone.
Lilac: No! I have to protect my master!
Bengi: Miss please!
Lakota: Lilac stop. Hes gone!
(Lilac stops sadly and cries for a moment. Then she turns around snarling and angry.)
Lilac: You stopped me from saving my master!
Bengi: We had to! You would have been shot if you had bitten one of those men!
Lilac: I dont care! At least he would have had a chance!
(Lilac puts her head up against the door.)
Lilac (sadly, whispering): At least he would have had a chance.
Lakota: Lilac... I know now is not a good time but we had better be going back. We dont want the Alphas to get suspicious.
Lilac (crying): Just go...
Lakota: Lilac
Lilac (yelling): GO!
(Lakota looks at Bengi, Bengi gestures to Lilacs side and Lakota walks over and sits next to her putting her head onto his chest and wrapping his head around her in a hug.)
Lakota: Its time to go, but I can hold you here for as long as you need me to.
(Lilac says nothing and focuses on listening to his heartbeat. Then she falls asleep and collapses.)

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