Returning To The Pack

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(Lakota and Lilac run up to where Wendigo is.)
Wendigo: How was patrol?
Lakota: Everything is all clear.
Capri: Wait. What is that smell?
(Capri sniffs the air and then walks over to Lilac and sniffs her fur.)
Capri: Lilac had been hugged by a human!
Wendigo: A HUMAN?!
Capri: Yes sir.
(Wendigo snarls and snaps his attention to Lakota.)
Wendigo (snarling): Where were you really going? (Yelling) Trying to escape again?!
(Wendigo sticks his tail straight up and positions himself high. Then he starts snarling on top of Lakotas head. Lakota bows by putting his front legs down on the ground and his head touching the ground. Wendigo gets close to his head and snarls.)
Wendigo: Were. You. Trying. To. Escape. Again?
Lakota: No sir. I was just trying to help Lilac. She missed her human.
Capri: What house pets!
(Wendigo looks at Lilac with rage in his eyes.)
Wendigo: I'll let you off this time. But dont you dare do it again. As for you!
(Wendigo looks back at Lakota.)
Wendigo: You deserve punishment. No food for two days.
(Wendigo walks over and sits next to Pyron. Lakota gets up and shakes. Then he walks over to lilac.)
Lilac: Are you ok Lakota? What was he doing?
Lakota: I'm fine. That was an Alphas dominance display. What I did was a submissive display.
Lilac: I'm sorry I got you in trouble.
Lakota: Its alright. Usually I get beat, this is mellow for him
Lilac: Are you sure hes supposed to be an alpha?
(Hearing this Wendigo snarls and looks at Lilac warningly.)
Lilac: Sorry.
(Wendigo gives his attention to Pyron again.)
Lakota: We had better get some sleep. This is the best time to get some sleep because most pack tensions arent right now at their highest.
Lilac: Alright.
Capri: Oh ho! Where do you think you're going?
(Capri has her teeth bared and her tail sticking straight up.)
Capri: I want a chew toy for the evening, and lucky for you I decided that you shall be mine for tonight. Arent you elated?
Lilac (snarling): Dont you dare capri. Times have changed since we were pups. I've grown stronger, and faster.
Lakota: Lilac, you are an omega. She has rites to use you as a chew toy as long as she doesn't draw blood.
Lilac (snarling): I dont care about rank. She hurts me she Pays for it.
(Wendigos ears perk up and he looks at her very suprised.)
Capri: So, all these years of being a house dog you actually grew some nuts! Bring it on!
(Lilac and Capri start circling each other and snarling and growling. Pyron and wendigo sit down to watch. Lakota backs away a little and sits down too.)
Pyron: Milord, do you want me to end this?
Wendigo (curiously): No, I want to see this. I've never seen such a tough omega. Maybe later I will rethink her rank.
Pyron: If she wins.
(Capri takes the first strike and aims for the throat. Lilac jumps straight up and manages to grab Capri by the side of her neck and throws her down. Capri lands on her side and Lilac lands on her paws growling angrily.)
Capri: How dare you dodge one of my blows! And hit me in the process!
(Capri takes another strike. This time aiming at her spine. Lilac just jumps pit of the way and Capri lands on her stomach on the ground. Capri is fat so she is huffing and puffing. (She eats practically nonstop when she gets the chance.))
Lilac: Had enough?
Capri: Dang House pet! I'll kill you.
Wendigo: You can stop them now.
Pyron: Alright girls that's enough!
(Capri gets up and shakes herself off. Then she sits down. Wendigo and Pyron stand up and walk over to Lilac.)
Wendigo: Youre fighting prowess is most amazing. I'm promoting you to a hunter in training.
(Lilac nods and Wendigo walks away.)
Pyron: You should take that complement to the heart. I've never heard him say anything like that before.
Lilac: Yes ma'am.
(Pyron follows Wendigo to the den entance.)
Wendigo: Its time for bed. Come inside.
(Everyone but Lakota goes inside. Lakota curls up into a ball outside. Wondering why he wasnt coming in Lilac walks over to him.)
Lilac: Are you coming?
Lakota: No, omegas like me sleep outside.
Lilac: Are you serious?
Lakota: Yeah.
Lilac: Alright curl up. I'll stay out here with you. It's a bit chilly tonight.
Lakota: You dont have to if you dont want to.
Lilac: I want to
(Lakota and Lilac lay down next to each other. Wendigo picks his head off the ground.)
Wendigo: Lilac. Are you coming?
Lilac: No, I'm not.
Wendigo: Correction. Get in here now. If I have to come out there and get you there will be punishment.
Lilac: From what? A false alpha?
(Wendigo gets up snarling and walks outside.)
Wendigo: What did you say?
Lilac: If you were anything like a real alpha you wouldn't leave omegas to sleep outside in the cold knowing that they would die in the winter.
(Wendigo is stunned. No one has ever talked back to him before. He looks in Lilacs eyes and sees no fear.)
Wendigo (sighing): Fine, stay out here.
(Wendigo goes back inside, curls up, and goes to sleep. Lakota looks at Lilac.)
Lakota: Wow, I've never seen Wendigo back down before. That's a first.
Lilac: Dont worry about it. We had better get to bed. We will probably have a rude awakening in the morning.
(Lakota nods a little and shuts his eyes. Lilac sets her head down and falls asleep.)

Wolves Of The Red Hunt PackWhere stories live. Discover now