The Rescue

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(Loka runs and catches up to Wendigo at the edge of the city.)
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Where do the animal police take animals?
Loka: To the pound. Given the fact that Capri is prone to trouble the sooner we save her the better.
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Lead the way!
(Loka takes the lead and starts running into the city with Wendigo following behind. Lakota, Equinox, and Pyron are sniffing around a prairie for food. Pyron gets ahold of a scent.)
Pyron: Hey guys! We have a problem!
(Lakota and Equinox walk over to Pyron.)
Lakota: What's wrong?
Pyron: Theres a scent of a wolf here.
Lakota (sniffing): Yes it's the scent of a wolf, but it's old, at least two weeks old.
Pyron: Alright. Let's keep moving and see what we can find.
(Lilac leads Wendigo to the pound. Suddenly a strange question enters her mind.)
Lilac: Wendigo, I know now is not a good time but what is the name of our pack?
Wendigo: Our pack is called the Red Hunter Pack, (baring his teeth) Now If you're done asking questions we can find a way to get Capri out of there.
Lilac: Yes sir.
(Lilac and Wendigo peak out from the corner at the pound.)
Lilac: How do we get in there?
Wendigo: I have an idea. You can provide a distraction cant you?
Lilac (thinking): I think so. I'm going to start barking and lead the men away from the door. Sneak in and watch out for the lady behind the desk. Behind her should be the cages. The cages in the way back left are the death row ones.
Wendigo: Got it.
(Lilac runs from behind the corner to the men in front of the door barking. Then when they give chase Lilac runs and Wendigo slips inside the pound and quietly sneaks around the guard behind the desk, but the second he does dogs from all of the cages start barking. Wendigo runs to the back barely getting spotted by the guard. Curiously the guard walks and looks around the corner to see nothing. Wendigo hid behind one of the cages, thinking it was nothing she walks back to the front desk and begins working again. Wendigo sighs in relief. Then he walks past the cages looking for Capri. When he sees her she is laying in a dog house with her butt sticking out the door.)
Wendigo: Capri wake up! Its me!
(Capri stands up and stretches, then comes out of the dog kennel growling.)
Capri (snarling): What took you so long to get here?!
Wendigo: No time to explain. Let's get you out of here. How do you undo the lock?
Capri: Push the peg up and move it left. It should open. Gosh, you're such a pea brain.
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Enough! Let me get you out of here!
(Wendigo jumps up on his back feet and opens the cage and they run, they bolt past the woman and out the door without being noticed. Then they run to the country side. Lilac catches up to them within a few seconds. She sits down.)
Wendigo: Where is everyone?
Loka: Before we left I sent the others to hunt for food.
(Wendigo remains silent for a moment. Then he snarls angrily. Then he attacks Lilac biting her enough to draw blood.)
Wendigo (snarling, biting): Who are you to command my pack?!?!
Lilac: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Wendigo: You dared to give my pack orders! Darn omega!!!
(Lilac howls in pain. Lakotas ears twitch as he hears her howl.)
Lakota: Did you hear that?
Pyron and Eclipse: Yeah!
Lakota: Lilac!!!
(Lakota bolts off, the other two follow.)

Wolves Of The Red Hunt PackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ