Chapter 11

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Iván's POV

Juan and I met with Ángel and Luca in the kitchen and we all quickly made our way to the basement Hospital they were keeping Amara. When we got to the door, I stopped right in front of the door and froze. The guys looked at each other with confused looks and were murmuring things but I couldn't hear them because I was in my own thoughts.

Asher suddenly started talking to me and asked, What are you doing?

I can't go in there...

What? Why not? Our mate is in there waiting for us, don't you want to see her?

Of course I do, but what if she doesn't want to see me or the guys?

Why wouldn't she want to see you?

Well, I almost killed her parents, and if it weren't for Ángel and Juan holding me back, I would've killed them.

But you saved her, that's all that matters.

But what if we didn't make it back to the pack house in time? I don't think I would ever be able to live with myself...

You don't need to worry about that because she's alive and waiting for you in that room to see you and the others. If it weren't for you guys, she would still be in that house with her ruthless parents and not here with us, safe.

I sighed and nodded. I was about to reach for the doorknob, but someone came out of the room, it was our main doctor/surgeon, Dr. Calvin Hammond.

Juan was the first to ask, "How is she?"

Dr. Hammond closed the door behind him and held his clipboard against himself and said, "She's stable, she lost a lot of blood but is currently sleeping."

Ángel asks, "How long will she be out?"

He sighs and says, "It's hard to tell, but right now she needs as much rests as she can get. She's lucky the bullet didn't hit anything important because that could've caused severe damaged."

Luca asks, "What's going to happen once she wakes up?"

"Well we are going to be keeping a close eye on her vitals and once she wakes up, we are going to have to make sure she eats right away."

That caught our attention right away and asked, "Why? What's wrong?"

The guys seemed to know why, so Luca answered before Dr. Hammond could, and said, "Iván, remember how we were talking about how she looked bad at the dinner table?"

Then it clicked, Dr. Hammond said this because Amara is really skinny than most girls are supposed to be. That made me frown and instantly regret not being there for Amara before all of this started. I look at the guys and see they all have a solemn look on their face as well and are looking at me sympathetically.

I look at Dr. Hammond and say, "If she wakes up when we are in there, we'll make sure to give her food."

He nods and says, "I know you want to go see her, so go right ahead, but don't make too much noise and don't mess with anything. Got it?"

We nod and he leaves, but he stops next to me and whispers in my ear, "No dejes que tu ira te controle, sólo estar ahí para la gente que amas y protegerlos. Lo que hiciste por ella es exactamente de lo que sé que eres capaz, no pierdas ese pedazo de ti mismo."

I give him a firm nod and watch him walk away while the guys quietly walk into Amara's room. Once I can't see him anymore, I turn around and walk into Amara's room and slowly shut the door behind me. When I turn around, I see Ángel and Juan sitting down on both sides of her bed, each holding her hand. I smile at the sight and slowly make my way towards her. I go and stand next to Ángel, who's on her right, and carefully move pieces of hair behind her ear. Seeing her lay here breaks my heart. She doesn't deserve this.

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