Chapter 6

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Amara's POV

The bell finally rang after me just sitting in Economics for 15 uncomfortable minutes, since all of the guys kept looking at me and I knew they wanted to know what happened, but I really don't want to think about it. I'm just glad Principal Bennet actually gave me lunch detention instead of trying to force me to go to after school detention.

Once the bell rang, I quickly got my things and headed straight for the door. Once I exited the door, I was met with Dena's comforting smile.

"Hey Mara, how was Economics?"

I gave a quick smile and looked down after and said, "I don't know, okay I guess? I got called into Principal Bennet's office."

She looked at me apologetically and said, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you Mara."

"It's fine D, really. I also have lunch detention as a punishment, so I won't be spending lunch with you and Cara, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault Amara, it's those skanks fault, not yours. It's okay that you can't spend lunch with me and Cara, I'll just let Cara know why, okay?"

I smile gratefully at her and say, "Thanks Dena, you're the best."

I hug her because honestly, Cara and Dena are literally the best things to happen in my life.

She hugs me back and says, "Your welcome Amara, and you're awesome too." No, I'm not.

We walk together to our lockers and part ways to get what we need and when I shut my locker and turned around, I get scared because I didn't know that Luca was right next to my locker. Please don't be here because you want to know what happened in Principal Bennet's office?

Luca smirked and chuckled a little because I'm sure he saw me get scared and said, "Hey, how are you holding up?"

I gave a sigh of relief and look down and say, "Good I guess."

He nods and says, "You know Amara, you don't have to be afraid of us, we're not going to hurt you, we promise. Also, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I know I have a pretty bad reputation, but I'm not like that, I promise."

That made me look up and I looked into his eyes and saw that he actually meant every single word he said, which I was truly grateful for. Maybe I can trust him, but that doesn't mean I will fully trust him, I have to be cautious.

I gave him a small smile, and look back down saying, "Thanks Luca, I'll keep that in mind."

We stood there in a comfortable silence for a couple of seconds until I broke the silence and said, "Well, I should get to class, I don't want to be late."

"Yeah, I should go too, I have to go to Engineering, yay."

I giggle at his sarcastic enthusiasm and say, "Have fun with that. Well, see you later, Luca."

He waves bye and we both go or separate ways to our classes. When I get to the Band room, I am instantly met with everyone's eyes on me. Not again!

Thankfully, the warning bell rings snapping everyone's attention away from me and I go to my seat and see Iván is next to my seat.

Iván gives me a quick smile and says, "So, can we talk?"

I nod my head for him to continue and he does saying, "So, what exactly happened in the parking lot? If-"

He was cut off by someone near us saying, "Dude, did you see the video? It's still going viral, there are even other people commenting things about how they wish they could do that. There's also comments talking about them getting bullied but never have the guts to stand up for themselves as the loser did."

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