Chapter 3

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Amara's POV

After my Architect class was over I dashed out of there to get to lunch and to avoid everyone since I was pretty sure that they wanted to laugh at me about the little fight that happened between me and Jennifer in the hallway. When I was out of there, I went to my locker to quickly put my things away and headed to the Cafeteria with my water bottle so I could wait for Cara and Dena since I'm not allowed to eat anything. Sure my parents won't know if I ate at school or not but since I've grown accustomed to not being allowed to eat, I got used to not eating. When everyone started to pile inside the Cafeteria I took a quick sip of my water bottle and kept my head down so no one can say stupid shit like how I was giving them looks or something. They've come up to me about that multiple times. Sadly though, Jennifer and her little posse decided they wanted to bug me. I didn't even do anything. Ugh!

"Well look what we have here, it's the little loser sitting all by herself, and look, she's all scared. Did your friends finally see how much of an embarrassment you truly are and want nothing to do with you?"

Karen and Tiffany started snickering after alongside her and I just kept my head down and ignored them so I wouldn't make matters worse.

Tiffany butted in and said, "Aww, is the little nobody not saying anything because she's going to cry?"

At that moment, I really wanted to tell them off, but I couldn't.

Karen said, "Girls look at how pathetic she is, she can't even stand up for herself, how sad. Her parents realized that they created a mistake who is just a waste of space and should just leave or kill herself since she's not needed here or anywhere."

After Karen said that, I lifted my head up a little because I could hear the entire Cafeteria bursting into laughter. Great.

Christopher finally decided to cut in and say, "Yeah, all you do is get into people's way, give it up, you know it's true, so just disappear, no one will miss you."

Ouch, that was uncalled for.

I just sat there since I couldn't do anything because I would never have the courage to ever stand up to Jennifer and her little posse. I got up and walked straight out of the Cafeteria with tears now running down my face. Just. Fucking. Great.

When I got outside of the Cafeteria I didn't look where I was going and bumped into someone and quietly said a faint 'sorry'.

When I tried to walk away from them to be on my own, the person I bumped into grabbed my arm gently and said, "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?"

After they said that it hit me that the person I bumped into was Iván. Oh great, now what?

I quickly wiped my face with my sleeve and said, "I-it's n-nothing, I'm f-fine." Yeah right.

After I said that, more like stuttered, he said, "Hey, it's okay, just tell me what happened, please?" Since when does he say please?

"R-really, it's nothing. W-why do you even c-care, y-you don't even k-know m-me?"

I was starting to get confused as to why he was even talking to me or even seeing if I was okay. He's supposed to be the bad boy player of the school that doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. On top of that, he didn't even know me which made me even more confused as to why he was talking to me or even acknowledging me.

That obviously didn't stop him since he then said, "Can you just tell me who did this to you?"

Okay, this guy is officially the most mysterious, yet confusing, person I have ever met. He's not supposed to care about me or ask who did this to me. He's supposed to laugh at my face, say he was kidding and didn't actually care who did this to me and call me names and shit.

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