Chapter 1

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Amara's POV

I hoped that someday, maybe, just maybe, my father and mother would stop abusing me for "disobeying" them or at least stop saying such hurtful things to me. This has been happening for about 4 years. I know what you're thinking, "How could I still be putting up with this? Why don't I go tell someone or the police?" It's simple, I can't. I can't tell anyone because if I do, no one will believe me. I could tell my 2 best friends Cara and Dena, but I can't. I can't tell them because I don't want them to pity me, I hate when people do that, so I just hide my physical and emotional scars from not just them, but from the world. I've been treated terribly by them and I don't even have the courage to stand up to them because if I do, the beating won't stop. So, I just take the pain and do what they say because I know if I don't, the beating will be worse.

Every day, it's the same routine: wake up, get dressed, go to school, leave school, make dinner, leave to my room, do my homework, get ready for bed, and do the same thing the next day. On weekends it's different every day so I never know what to expect, especially when my parents are either at work or on a business trip. If they are on a business trip, that's the only time I actually get time to heal or get time to hang out with my besties, but that's rare. Sometimes I wish I could just pack up, leave, and never come back, but I can't since I have no money, no place to go, and I'll be leaving my best friends that have always been there for me. Even if they don't know what's going on at home, they've been there for me with the things going on outside of my house, which I'm truly grateful for.

It's 6:00 a.m on Monday and I'm extremely exhausted, I stayed up late last night to finish my homework, and not just that, I had to crawl my way up to my room because my parents were drunk and decided to beat me for being there when they came home. I was only there because I had just finished making their dinner and was getting their plates and utensils on the table for them. Once I painfully got out of bed, I walked to my closet to get some clothes to wear today and went to my bathroom and stripped out of my now ripped pj's and got into the shower. Once I finished taking a shower, I got dressed, blow-dried my hair and put make-up over my bruises on my neck and face. I'm not the kind of person to wear make-up, like, at all, but I only use concealers to hide my bruises from everyone, mainly Cara and Dena. Then, I go to my room, grab my high top, all black Converse, put them on, and tie them securely. After that, I walk to my mirror to see my outfit to see if it looks decent enough. I'm wearing a black hoodie with dark blue skinny jeans with a charcoal beanie and my black high top Converse, I don't look too bad. Once I finished doing that, I grabbed my bag and slowly walked down the stairs, not only because I was in pain, but also to not wake my parents up. I quickly and quietly went to the kitchen to get an apple for my breakfast and start walking to the door. When I successfully made it to the door, I shut the door quietly, took a deep breath, and made my way to my car before getting in and slowly pull out of the driveway to start my drive to school.

10 minutes later, I got to school, found a parking spot, shut off my car, grab my bag and head to the front of the school after locking my car. Once I made it to the front of the school, I sat down at the wall that's in front of our school and took out my book To All The Boys I've Loved Before and started reading it while I waited for Cara and Dena to get here. Not even a minute later, I look up and see Cara and Dena walking towards me with big smiles on their faces. Once they got to me, I had already put my book away and got up to hug them both and we all stood against the wall and chatted. They were talking about their weekend and how much fun they had, while I listened to everything they said.

Cara asked, "So what did you do over the weekend, Amara?"

When she asked that, I mentally thought about what I was going to say to them. I couldn't tell them that I just stayed home and got beat by my parents, I couldn't. So, I just told them what I always did when they asked me that question.

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