That's something I never expect anyone would do.

School finally ended and to my surprise Jimin is waiting right outside my class by himself. No V no Taeyong. He's acting so nice today and it's starting to make me suspicious. Pushing all of my suspicions behind, Jimin drove me back home.

"There's this party at Taehyung's house tonight. Your friends; Lisa and Rose are coming. You should too," Jimin said as he drove me back to my house from school.

"But I want to sleep early tonight," I argued and he looked at me before gently smacking my head.

"It's Friday night, don't be such a grandma."

"Fine. You're going to pick me up right?" I asked him.

"Of course," he replied and when we arrived he continued. "I'll pick you up at 7, okay?"

"Sure," I told him before getting off the car and waved at him. Once he drove away, I walked into the house.

It was already 4:30 so I took all the remaining time to get ready. I chose to wear a white plain t-shirt, a black leather pants and a black boots. By the time I finished getting ready it was 6:40 and a few minutes later Jimin arrived.

One other thing about Jimin is that he's always on time. Always.

I was surprised at how stunning V's house actually is. I mean I assumed he was rich but not this rich. Stepping inside the house I was greeted by Lisa and Rose who looked breathtaking in their outfits.

"Oh look who's here! My favorite new kid," V greeted as he walked down the stairs looking more ethereal than ever. I looked all around me and realize there were no kids from our year. All of them are seniors.

That explains the dirty look from the girls.

"We wouldn't have been invited if it weren't for you," Rose told me with her eyes slightly widening.

"And Jimin looks so hot," Lisa said will glancing at Jimin who's by now pouring himself a drink. I cringed at her comment before moving away only to have V following me like a lost puppy.

"Want a drink?" V asked me from behind.

"You do realize that I'm underage right?"

"Do you care?" he chuckled while asking me with his head slightly tilted. "Follow me," he said before grabbing my wrist and then pouring me a drink. "Shouldn't be too strong to make you drunk," he said while handing me a red cup filled with drink.

"This is gonna be my first time," I told him and his eyes widened.

"You don't drink in California?"

"I'm still underage too in Cali dumbass."

"I have friends who drink at the age of 15, you just suck," he joked. I shot him a glare before taking a sip of whatever he was giving me. I mean he's Jimin's friend, he can't be spiking my drink right? "How is it?"

"Are you joking me? This is coke!" well slightly bitter than usual.

"I mixed it with coke, does it taste okay?" he asked me through the loud music. I was about to answer when V pointed to something or someone behind me before burst out laughing. I turned around to see Rose is pouring a whole ass vodka into Lisa's mouth with all the boys cheering for them. "They're much cooler than you after all," he smirked.

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