"Your part of the Russian mafia? We'll now past tense huh." I snickered.

"Duh did I stutter, did you really think I was just a normal girl who you played with you please, I was in disguise since I was born. I was born in the Russian mob my mother was a spy and had me to Do the little jobs like becoming besties with the American mafia's princess." She said to me and all I wanted do was punch her in the titty.

I had so many questions but the one that was burning inside me was did she have something to do with my mother's death.

"Listen your father and fiancé are already on there way here now so I suggest you tell me what I want to know or would you rather die by their hands!"

This girl is a psycho she will die before she gets an answer out of me. People like her don't last in the mafia and that is was makes her a liability.

No wonder she got kicked out.

"I don't know what your talking about. What is soo important about the flash drive anyway." I said trying to get her to talk to distract her so, I can loosen the ropes around me.

"Well you see Ari that drive holds everything about the Russian mafia like the codes and blueprints of each and everything they own but, I can't tell you anything else." This bitch is soooo dumb she just told me everything like come on you really are going to die.

I heard car doors closing outside and Tiana went over by the window to see but rookie mistake never leave your post. I turned the rope so it was cut by a misplaced nail in the chair, got the glass bowl on the counter and smashed it on the psycho's head.

I grabbed my bags quickly only to fall on the floor in pain because of my ankle I hurt from before. I powered through the pain and went out the back door down a alley towards the street over hoping for some miracle there was a taxi car.

To my hope there wasn't of course but a woman stopped the car in front of me and asked me if I needed a ride, I was hesitant at first but it was better than staying here and getting caught.


We arrived at a house that looked unfamiliar to me and everyone got out the cars. We inside and found a unconscious woman bleeding on the floor from her head. Mitchell gave me a signal to put her in the chair and wake her up. I pulled out my gun and fired 3 shots in the air.

She flinched scanning us and our attire.

"What the hell, what happen? Who are you?" She said in a tone I knew Mitchell won't appreciate. She tried to get up from the chair but I held her back. He walked up to her and slapped her face, his rings leaving imprints.

"You are in NO power or position to speak or ask questions of any kind. Understand!" Mitchell screamed at her as he watched her flinch at his words and she complied.

"Where is my daughter and I will only ask once then I will proceed to my other methods, trust me you wouldn't like them at all." Mitchell said while walking around her chair.

"She hit-t me over my h-head and left I believe. I was knocked out." She tried to not show her fear but, she was stuttering all over her words.

"Did she say where she was heading?" Mitchell demanded.

"No she just wanted to escape." The woman said as she kept looking at the floor. This woman couldn't be more than 18 years old haven't even lived yet but that was soon about to come to an end.

"Why did you have my fiancé tied to a chair?" Enzo spoke out the question that all of us was curious of. Keeping her mouth shut soon to yell in immersed amount of pain seconds after, one flash motion Mitchell stabbed a knife into her left leg deeply.

"He asked you a question and I remember saying how I don't like repeating myself." Mitchell screamed as the girl just cried and screamed in agony.

"I'm apart of the Russian mafia please please I was only trying to do my job. All I want is the drive!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs as if the pain of holding that Secret just had to come out.

Mitchell took out his gun and shot her in the head 6 times before walking out the door furiously. We got out the house and the next place was the airport. Please Aria I hope you left by now.

Aria POV

Why can't I just leave in peace like damn can't a girl have some freedom. The lady was kind enough to drop me to the airport I thanked her and give her 200 dollars she wouldn't take it at first so I stuck it behind the seat for her. I was at the airport about to start my life but, when does that ever go to plan.

I enter and found myself being pushed and shoved by a whole lot of people trying to find their flights. It was hard enough with a bruised ankle and a bag with 1 million dollars in it. I looked behind checking and it was clear until I spotted AJ coming towards my way with Enzo and my father. Shit I have to run but can't be obvious so, I did what any normal person did I crawled on the floor until I was away from them.

I turned the corner in relief but bumped into not only a man but one of my fathers guards. He grabbed me and held his hand over my mouth dragging me into a closed off place outside. He tried to take out his phone to my guess to call my father but I kicked it away from him. I turned and toss trying to get out the hold but, no use he was too strong but I wasn't going to give up.

Pulling out his gun and pressing it into my temple, "Listen bitch I have a job to do so, get your ass together and come with me!" I was about to speak when I heard " That looks uncomfortable, let me help you out!" He turned to only be knocked out by a older man. I looked at him in surprise as he helped me with my bags, "um, thanks for the help and do I know you?" I asked him cautiously moving backwards.

The similarities between us was astonishing from his hair to his ... his eyes were dark brown. But same feeling of comfort came from him.

"Your welcome and no but, I'm a friend of AJ's and I'm here to get you out of here. You can trust me." He held his hand out for me as I couldn't stop looking at him.

He's saving some random girl just because AJ called him but yet again he didn't have to ask me twice.
I follow him and we tried to avoid every guard in sight which was hard because they were everywhere.

We got to a private platform that held a small plane and he told me to get on I did as he said. He told me to wait there and that he will be back soon so, I took it upon myself to look around this gorgeous cabin he had.

It was a nice smooth wood color and the white cream seats were soo comfortable

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It was a nice smooth wood color and the white cream seats were soo comfortable. I even went to the private bed in the back and bounced on it until I heard a door closed.

"I see your finding everything to your liking?" The older man said while smiling as I was finding my way back to my seat while fixing my frizzy hair from jumping.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disrespect you in anyway." I said hoping he wouldn't kick me out to fend for myself.

"Of course not why would you think that? Please I meant to help you not hurt you ok." This man was genuinely nice and it scared the crap out of me because all the new people I've meant so far have either been ugly as hell or a psycho maniac.

He told the pilot to take off and soon enough we where off the run way.

I stayed looking out the window asking myself what holds in the next chapter? So many unanswered questions except one, I knew one thing about my new life and how it will start in Italy 🇮🇹.

Keep reading thxs

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