26- Watching Horror Movies With Bruce And Skittles

Start from the beginning

I gave her a toothy grin. “I’ve been eating ice cream, watching horror movies with Bruce and Skittles, and screaming my guts out.”

“Beth.” She rolled her eyes at me and as if a light bulb appeared on her head, she grinned. “I have an idea! Let’s go!”

Let me be the one to tell you that my sister is very strong. Once she took hold of my whites and started pulling me out of the shop without telling me what her idea was, I had no chance, not even a smidge of a possibility to say decline.

We ended up at my favorite salon and I knew where this was going.

“A haircut.” I deadpanned at the same time Reese cried excitedly, “A haircut!”

“No!” I shook my head at her.

“Yes.” She nodded, oblivious to my desire to leave. “Let’s go!”

Thursday, Reese called me at around three in the afternoon, her third phone call for the day. She really misses me so much.

“What do you want now?” I grumbled.

“Do me a favor and get Liam for me? Dominic and I are stuck at work, again.”

“Alright.” I agreed. Due to my recent obsession with work, and with Reese being busy, I haven’t been able to see Liam for the past few days and I miss him terribly.

I tossed the shop keys to Marcus who caught it easily on my way out.

“I’m leaving ahead.” I called out.

I removed my whites on the way to my car. Driving to the daycare where Reese had dropped Liam off this morning, the thought of Blake popped in my mind.

I haven’t seen or heard from him for the past week, ever since I broke off our relationship, and to be completely honest, I miss him very much.

Liam jumped on me the moment he saw me, giving me a tight hug. A hugged him too, and planted a kiss on his hair.

“Aunt Beth!” he jumped on my arms.

“Hello to you too.” I smiled.

“Your hair!” he grabbed a lock of my now shorter hair. “It’s short!”

“Bye Liam!” a familiar little girl’s voice said. I turned and found Allie waving at both of us with a wide grin, she was with a woman. She was absolutely beautiful, with golden blonde hair, a body and a face that belonged to a model.

And my heart broke all over again.

I know after everything I’ve done, I didn’t have the right to get heartbroken, after all it was all my fault. But seeing the woman in front of me, I wanted to run home immediately and cry.

How could Blake replace me so fast? I thought he loved me? You don’t get over someone you love that easily and yet he did with a better, way prettier, and sexy woman. And she’s a model!

Was I just past time to him as he waited for his supermodel girlfriend to return home? Something churned in my stomach and I wanted to puke. So I was just a toy, a game he liked to play while waiting, something for his own amusement.

Allie let go of the woman’s hand and ran to where we were. She had a huge smile on her face as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. When she eyes passed me, she gasped.

“Beth! Your hair.” She placed her hand over her mouth dramatically. “Why is it short?”

She is so adorable. I forgot how much I missed hearing her voice and seeing her beautiful face.

“I had it cut.” I smiled. “Do you like it?”

Allie pursed her lips for a moment before nodding. “You’re pretty.”

I opened my mouth to say something when Miss Supermodel finally caught up with us. She held Allie’s arm. She’s even prettier up close.

I shift uncomfortably in my position as I tugged my shirt. I was very well aware of how well dressed Miss Supermodel was and how I was not in a pair of jeans and a shirt.

“My name’s Alicia Vega.” Miss Supermodel introduced herself with a smile.

So not only was Miss Supermodel beautiful and sexy, I had a big feeling she was a very nice person. Looks like Blake found Miss Universe.

“Bethany Hamilton.” I replied, faking a smile to hide my disappointment. I was hoping she was at the least bitchy so that I could judge Blake’s girlfriend in the attitude department (Obviously I was in no position to judge her in the beauty department).

“So you’re the famous Bethany Hamilton!” She said, her smile growing wider. “Blake talks about you, a lot. No offense or anything but it’s getting annoying. He won’t shut up about you.”

I do not understand.

First of all, I was deeply touched and already had butterflies in my stomach as she told me. Blake talks about me!
Second, he talks about me to his girlfriend? I’m no relationship expert but I know that’s not what you could just say to your girlfriend. Was she not his?

“The pictures he has of you on his desk doesn’t really do you justice.” Alicia shook her head. “You’re way prettier in person.”

He has a picture of me on his desk! I wanted to jump and scream but I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of her so I just smiled. What was I supposed to say?

“Desk?” I asked, a little confused.

“Oh right. I also work in Design Accents. We’re colleagues.”

“So you’re not his girlfriend?” the question slipped from my mouth right before I could think it through. My face felt hot right away from the embarrassment of making a fool of myself.

Alicia looked at me in amusement as she started laughing. Liam ad Allie were already busy playing in their own little world to notice us.

“Oh no.” she shook her head, clearly trying her best to stop her laughter. “Blake Greene’s all yours. I don’t bat for their team. In fact, my girlfriend works for you.”

Silently, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. All my worrying for nothing. It felt like a ten ton load has been lifted off my chest. “Dani?”

Alicia nodded with a proud smile. “But wait, I thought you’re together with him?”

I shook my head slowly.

“Where is he anyway?” I ask.

She looked at me sadly for a second before replying, “Didn’t you know? He’s sick. Since yesterday, and he called me if Allie could stay at my place for the night since he didn’t want Allie to get sick too.”


Hey guys! So I've been gone for way too long already and I miss you! As i have posted in my facebook page, I was having my exams (I just finished today) and I won't be having classes for a few weeks!  *throws confetti* I'm still scared for my results though so pray with me that I will pass all of it! Please!

Next, wattpad messaged me suggesting that I enter Sugar Rush for the Wattys. I don't know if i should. I'm still thinking about it.

Question: How do you deal with a break up? I've never been in a relationship before, ever, and I was wondering what people really do in dealing with them. What I wrote is purely based on books and movies, so feel free to educate in me in the romance world!

Like my page: www.facebook.com/erasingpencil

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