Bonus Chapter: Do You Think You Deserve Her?

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"Do you think you deserve her?" The old man lying on the hospital bed asked the nervous young man point blank.

The young man cleared his throat. "No, sir. I don't think I do but I love her." He respectfully answered.

The old man nodded in silent approval of his answer. It was the answer he expected. He had no plans of leaving his granddaughter in the care of someone who feels he's entitled to her.

He scooted slightly over to the side and reached under his pillow to take out a small box. He handed it over towards the young man who hesitantly took the box from his trembling fingers. "Our family's brides wore it as their engagement rings for the past three generations. It should have been handed over to a male descendant for his bride to wear but she's all I have."

"Will you promise to make sure the right man puts this on her finger? I would rather it be you but I cannot force my decision on my granddaughter. If she loves you back then you will both have my blessing. If she loves someone else who will also love her in return will you give the ring up and be the honorable man your grandfather brought you up to be?" The old man gravely asked him.

"I swear on my grandfather's grave, sir, I will do as you asked." The young man answered in all sincerity.

"You better not forget it, boy, or I swear to God if you break your word I will crawl back up from my grave and haunt you." The gruff man threatened.

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