Chapter 6

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It was the day of the charity event. The rest of the world seemed to have cooperated because traffic into the ER was pretty slow for the day. All she had to do was reassess patients who came in in the morning that were placed under observation. One of them she had to admit for further management but the rest she was able to send home.

Dara had been twiddling her thumbs for the rest of her shift, spending the time to send messages every few minutes to Jiyong reminding him that her future depends on his presence later in the evening. A million texts and hourly missed calls later and he still haven’t given her any response except for a one letter text message sent after her 999,999th. His message just read, “K”.

“Oh, you’re alive then? You better show up later, Kwon Jiyong! That single letter really showed me how committed you are to our contract. If I end up auctioning myself because you got held up elsewhere all your limited edition sneakers are going to end up auctioned. I’m not bluffing either. I’m holding them hostage in my car.” She then sent him a picture of her shoe-box filled trunk.

“Hold your horses, Your Excellency Park Sandara. I’m really busy to make sure I’m 100% free later to be of service to Your Royal Highness. Don’t you dare touch my babies. I know where you keep your stash of Asian dramas and I know where you keep your signed WINNER CDs and whatnots. If you value your babies then better make sure mine all get back home safe and sound.” Came Jiyong's swift reply.

Dara snickered to her self as she typed in her message, “See you at 6pm tonight.” She didn’t actually haul his sneakers to her car. All it took was two photographs and one tech savvy friend. Johnny, from the MIS department did a pretty good manip.

Now all she has to do was wait for another 15 minutes for her shift to be done then she’s going to check on CL and their plans. She smiled manically in anticipation, imagining the satisfaction of getting hold of those tickets and backstage passes. The nurses smiled amusedly at her. After three years they have already been accustomed to her “out of body” kdrama-induced (and recently WINNER-induced) trances.

The nurses weren't the only ones who noticed her, though. A tired man in slightly wrinkled scrubs just came in through the ER's swing doors. There was an almost imperceptible pause in his stride as he took in Dara's rapt expression, but then a nurse called his attention to a patient and the moment passed undetected.

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