Chapter 15

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Dara woke up in a good mood. She jumped up from bed and straightened up the covers while humming “Buttercup” under her breath. For some reason she couldn’t understand, she felt happy.

She skipped lightly out of the room. She sniffed. She could smell something heavenly. She twitched her nose and followed the smell of coffee. She found Joross pouring himself a cup of coffee. She grabbed it from him without asking.

“Aisht. You’re still shameless as always.” Joross grumbled at her as he took another mug for himself from the shelf.

“Only with you, my brother from another mother!” Dara answered brightly back at him. She then looked curiously around. “Your apartment looks the same since I last saw it. Still rooming with the same Donghae guy?”

“Not anymore. His friend assumed his place. Donghae’s in the US for his fellowship.” Dara nodded in understanding. 

“Where is he then?” Dara’s eyes wandered around the kitchen-living-dining open space area. She was curious as to who his flat mate was. His face was buried beneath the pillows last night and she was only able to see the toned lower half of his body. His legs looked lily white though as if it had hid from the sun for too long. Personally, she like guys who had a little tan like Jiyong. She shook her head to shake off the thought of him.

“He probably crawled back to his room in the middle of the night. He’ll go out soon enough. The smell of coffee will wake him up. Do you want to take a bath? I’ve got some clothes that could fit you. They’re Kate’s.” Joross pointed at the neat pile of clothes set on the edge of the sofa.

“Thanks.” She grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and towel-dried her hair. As she did, she saw a bottle of her favorite facial mask. She shrugged. Joross told her to feel free to use any of the toiletries she finds there. She continued humming “Buttercup”, tied her hair up and applied the puke green facial mask on her face.

“Joross! I want your fuck buddy out within 5 minutes, pronto. She fucking used my mask!” Heechul yelled out to Joross as he spotted Dara leaving the bathroom with one of his facial masks on. No one touches his things and lives to see the day.

An unexpected but well-aimed kick to the groin happened in a split second. “Say fuck buddy again and I’ll do more than just kick you in the balls.” Dara passed by the now writhing Heechul.

“I know that voice!” Pain temporarily disregarded, Heechul stood up to follow Dee. “What the heck are you doing here?”

“Eating breakfast. Got a problem with that?” Dara replied nonchalantly as if it was just any other ordinary day that she shares the first meal of the day with her archenemy.

A/N: This is probably the last update I'll be doing for some time. Happy holidays in advance, you guys.

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