Chapter 21

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“Aish!” She swatted lightly at the feather tickling her nose. She furrowed her brows. Why was a damn feather tickling her nose. She brought her arm out and smacked the source of the irritation. Was that a muffled “Ouch” that she heard? She registered hitting something but she was too drowsy to analyze what it was. She just turned to her side and burrowed under the sheets but then they were snatched out of her grasp and someone poked her lightly in the arm. “Wake up, sleepyhead.” She groaned at the sound of his voice. She both hated and loved that voice.

“Yah!” He was shaking her more vigorously now. “I know you heard me.” She faked a snore. He pinched her nose. She held on for about ten seconds but gave up acting and kicked out at him or tried to kick out at least. Her feet were tangled up with the sheets. He chuckled after noting her failed attempt. “You’re not going to win any acting awards with your fake snorts. You could never get them right.” She turned and glared at his cheery face. “Nice try just now. Was that a kick attempt? You sure did some damage to the sheets.” He grinned widely at her. That amount of positivity should be banned this early in the morning.

“I’m on duty today. Let’s do this next time.” She lied through her teeth before burying her head under her pillow. “Pfft. I knew you’re going to try something like this. Joross confirmed with me yesterday that unless there is a natural disaster the hospital won’t need you until noon tomorrow.” She yelled onto her pillow but then he pulled it from her so she yelled at him instead. “Yah! It’s illegal to force anyone to do something against their will.”

“I’m giving you a choice then. It’s either you get up now, freshen up and change or I carry you out of this room and bring you to the car just as you are.” He countered at her.

“Aish!” She muttered under her breath. “What should I wear?” A figurative light bulb turned on in her head. “Freshen up? I don’t think I can. I have no fresh clothes. Today is laundry day.”

He lifted one eyebrow at her. “I’m your roommate. Since forever. I know how many clothes you have. How you don’t throw anything away. And even if you’ve got nothing in that walk in closet of yours, you could always wear my clothes. Like you’ve never raided my closet before. And I also did your laundry last night.” He told her and pointed towards a neat pile of her folded freshly laundered clothes. “If you’re not out in fifteen you know what I’m going to do.” He strode out the door whistling a happy tune as he went.

She stomped towards her bathroom, completely wide awake. Anger could be just as effective as a cup of coffee. She cursed at him and imagined a hundred and ten ways to torture the morning cheer out of Jiyong while she showered and changed into a pair of ratty jeans, one of Jiyong’s hijacked old university hoodies and comfy old skool vans. But then she remembered his taunt a few moments ago. She shrugged out of his sweater, grabbed a threadbare scrub suit top and decided to wear it instead. She grabbed her tatty crossbody bag and went out her room barefaced. She refused to primp up for the prick but unknown to her her temper brought a pretty pink blush to her cheeks.

Jiyong patted the side of her head as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Good girl.” She growled at him. “You’re cute like a puppy when you’re like this. An untrained one, though. But its not a deal breaker. I have had rabies shots before.” He continued to pat her head. That made her see red. Her jaws clamped down on his sweater clad arm. “Yah. Aish. You hybrid rabid rabbit-puppy. If you don’t let go in 3 counts I’ll do something I’d been wanting to do that you’d hate to love.” He threatened cryptically. “Hana… Dul… Sss…” She stopped biting down, glared sideways at him and stomped down the hallway. At the end of the hall she turned back at him and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Coffee.”

“If you would care to turn to your right, my princess. Your tall tumbler of hot espresso is waiting for you on the coffee table.” He told her then gave her a mock curtsy of sorts.

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