ANNOUNCEMENT + 9K Celebration

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Ahem, hello everyone! Welcome back! I know I haven't updated in a while haha, and Just_A_Sherlockian is about ready to kill me for that. (Don't worry, I still love you.)

I wanted to start of with the announcement part of this announcement, but, I just have to say thank you first.

When I started this book, I was absolutely certain it wasn't going to go anywhere. And to my surprise, it actually went somewhere! 9k, can you believe that?!

I am so freaking glad about that you have no idea, and just, thank you to everyone who's been reading and commenting and my girls who's been there from the minute the idea to post my Sherlock works came to me.

ultimatespiderwoman Just_A_Sherlockian

Ren, Lils, I love you two so much, you guys don't know!

You guys are the darn best and I'm really glad you guys are enjoying the book! I hope to post more very soon, but as I'm working, chances to write are hard to come by. I'm in work as I type this out, I shit you not.

But thank you, you guys make me happy, and I have no words  to express my gratitude for it. Ilysm guys, I swear!

On to the announcement!

To celebrate the milestone, I've decided that I'm going to post a new story.

Yes, I know that I barely update in the first place, but this new book has a schedule. It's not going to be posted any time soon though, while I still work out the characters and things.

But I promise you,  this book is literally the best idea I've had in ages. It had actually started out as a one shot to be posted in my Tom Hiddleston/ Loki book, but that changed haha.

So, yeah, it's a Loki fic. A full length one, too. And I'm so excited to post it, because it's just gold, I'm in tears.

This is the cover you'd see for it, when it's posted. It may change before it comes around to posting time, though.

And I also wanted to thank clexaflowercrowns. She doesn't know it, and maybe I should have told her, but her writing is what inspired me to get back to writing LUNA. Because it was only when I was reading her story DREAMWALKER I was hit with the plot line. And I cackled so loudly I scared my cat. So, Poppy, thank you so much for being an inspiration!

And you guys should also check out Poppy's works because she's amazing and her writing style is just gorgeous! Seriously.

You guys have no idea how long I haven't made an Oc character, it's been ages. Haha. But I'm really happy to share it with you all, and I'm buzzing to post the first chapter, but I'm still editing it and stuff.

So, please keep an eye out for LUNA, and thank you all again, for everything. And sticking with my odd ass posting schedule. I love you guys, okay? Stay awesome!

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