Chapter Forty: Beloved

Start from the beginning

"Shut up!" She yells, slamming the door behind her.

She walks over to the car and get into the passenger seat by hopping over the door.

"What was that about?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"Just drive to wherever we're going, please." Maggie sighs, I can feel the stress radiating off of her.

"Okay." I chuckle.

We pull into a parking spot at the Café.

"I expected it to be this place." Maggie smiles.


"Yeah, it's literally the only place in the whole town where it could seem like a date." Maggie gets out of the car, I follow her action and we walk inside the Café.

We walk up to the counter and order our drinks, "I'll pay for mine." Maggie says.

I slide a 20 across the counter, "No, I asked you out, I'm paying."

We grab our drinks and table in the far back corner.

"We need to put a sign on this table saying it's ours because we've sat here every time we're together." I smile.

"Smart idea, next time we should bring a reserved sign and stick it on the window." Maggie smiles.

I rest my elbows on the table, "So what was the yelling about when I picked you up?" I ask taking a sip of my tea.

"The whole morning my Mom would not stop asking me questions."

"Your Mom's in town?"

"Yeah, did I not tell you?" Maggie asks.

I shake my head, Maggie shrugs, "Anyway she just wouldn't stop asking me questions, everything I did there was a question for it. She asked me why I put my hair in a ponytail. I swear she thinks that I haven't lived with her for a year."

"You don't ever wear your hair in a ponytail, so I do understand that question."

"But still, she got back on Thursday and her and my Dad are acting like they never got divorced. I have to go out for brunch tomorrow with them and I have no idea how I'm going to survive." Maggie sighs.

"You'll be fine."

"I hope so, I just know it's going to be so awkward." Maggie takes a sip of her tea and looks out the window.

Her hair looks good in a low ponytail, it's different from how she normally has her hair. Same with her outfit, she never wears short sleeves and she never wears plain jeans that don't have rips in them. I didn't even know that she owned jeans with no rips that's how much she wears them.

Maggie looks back over to me, "What's your favorite colour?"

"Uh, turquoise... why?"

"It's normally the first question anyone asks someone when they first meet, we've known each other for almost two months now and I've never asked that question." Maggie explains.

"Huh? In that case what's your favorite colour?"

"Purple." Maggie smiles.

"Really, you never wear any purple though."

"I know, but that doesn't stop it from being my favorite colour. You never wear turquoise."

"Okay that's fair."

"What's your favorite animal?" I ask.

"Cat." Maggie smiles.

I really thought that Maggie would be a dog person, but now that she says she likes cats I can see it.

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