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Thud, thud, thud, thud!

The only sound I could hear were my sneaker hitting the pavement and my ragged breathing. I tried as hard as I could to get air into my lungs so I wouldn't pass out. Thankfully I hadn't done anything severe enough this week for him to take food away.

"You're going to start working private parties on Tuesday" Kaden told me one night when I was cleaning up from dinner. I froze at his comment and felt the anger boiling inside me. I turned around to face him not caring for once that talking back got me punished.

"You're insane. I've given up enough of myself working in your stupid strip club. There is no way I'm working private parties for anyone" I ground out. The color of his eyes turned so dark they were almost black instead of brown. He swung his hand out and smacked me upside the back of my head hard enough to see stars. I grabbed the counter behind me to stop myself from falling to the ground.

"Listen, bitch. I don't remember asking you what you wanted. You'll do as I say when the fuck I say it! Understood?" He bellowed yanking my chin up so I was forced to look at him. I bit my tongue to keep from talking back. There was no way in hell I'd be doing anything he told me to ever again. The girl he'd beaten into submission was clawing her way back up to the surface and I'll be damned if he thinks he's turning me into some prostitute. He shoved my head back away from him and stalked out of the kitchen. I stood still for a few minutes to get my head straight. I finished cleaning the kitchen and then went to bed. I laid awake most of the night planning my way out. I knew by this time tomorrow I'd be out of here and hopefully somewhere safe.

By the time my body was screaming at me to stop I'd made it clear of the city limits and a good mile into the neighboring town. Not quite sure where I was I ducked into an ally and dropped to the ground with my bag. I put my back against the wall and struggled to take deep breaths. My head was spinning and my heart felt as though it would beat out of my chest at any moment.

After my breathing slowed and I no longer felt like I was going to pass out I slowly climbed to my feet holding onto the wall for support. I walked out of the ally and made my way down the street towards the center of town. My body was screaming at me to stop moving and I knew I had to find a place to sleep for the night soon. Thankfully not far down on my right there was a bed and breakfast. I climbed the small set of stairs and went inside.

There was an older gentleman at the reception desk when I walked in. His short gray hair was sticking up all over and one of the clasps on his overalls was undone. He looked up from the paper he was reading when I walked in.

"What can I do for you" he grunted at me. I felt my face heat. I cleared my throat and tried my hardest to sound confident and not how terrified I actually felt.

"I was wondering if you had any rooms available" I said my voice sounding stronger than I felt.

"Fill this out, its 25 dollars a night. No rough housing, no trouble. We like it quiet here" he glared at me for a second- as though he was trying to figure out if I'd be trouble- before giving me a pen. I filled out his paper with a fake name and dug in my backpack for my wallet. Id made sure once I decided to leave I'd have enough money to hold me over until I could find work. Lucky for me Kaden let me keep any bills I made that were under twenty dollars and I'd been stashing them for as long as I could. I pulled out the money and handed it to him and in turn he gave me the key to a room.

"Second floor, third door on the right" he directed before dismissing me and going back to his paper. I thanked him and made my way upstairs. I opened the door to a small room with a twin bed up against the wall on the right. There was a wooden night stand next to the bed and a dresser to the left. It was nothing fancy but definitely comfortable. I put my bag down on the floor next to the bed and sat down. I took a deep breath and tried my best to relax. I'd finally done it and there was no turning back. After laying down for a few hours I got up and took a hot shower. I decided I'd go walk around the town to see what it was about. The sun was starting to set when I left. I took a right going in the opposite direction of where I had come earlier. After a good twenty minute walk I came across a little coffee shop and decided I'd stop inside for a cup.

After getting my drink I sat down at one of the tables in the front corner of the shop. It took a little while of watching people come and go for my body to realize Kaden wasn't going to just come walking through the door. I looked out the window losing myself in my thoughts. How long would I be able to stay here? Would he actually come looking for me? Would I be able to start over? The questions were swimming around in my head distracting me and I hadn't noticed the man that walked up to my table.

"Can I get you anything else?" The voice spoke next to me. I'd nearly jumped out of my skin, flinching up at the man peering down at me. His gray eyes looked at me with concern and I tried desperately to calm my racing heart. I felt the heat creeping up the back of my neck as I slid the chair back from the table. I felt stupid that I'd let my thoughts slip so deeply I'd allowed him to surprise me. I stood no chance of staying hidden if I couldn't stay focused. I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Uhm, no thank you. I actually need to get going" I tried to smile but not entirely sure I managed. He stepped back as I moved around him and I caught a brief scent of firewood mixed with coffee; it was intoxicating.

"Okay, have a good day" he smiled a smile that made his whole face light-up. Nope. There would be none of that. I can't trust that feeling, my own decisions and most certainly not some stranger in a coffee shop. I hurried out the door and headed straight to the bed and breakfast I was staying at for the night. Once in my room I got ready for bed and turned out the light.

The mattress was soft compared to the one I slept on at Kaden's. The room I had there was colder and less inviting than this one too. Yet the thought of truly being on my own was starting to sink in and the feelings of helplessness and fear were threatening to drown me. I knew I wouldn't sleep very well that night but I had to try anyway. Tomorrow I needed to make a more solid plan. Eventually I dozed off into a fitful nightmare filled sleep.

The next morning I packed up my things and checked out of the room. I had dreams all night about Kaden finding me and I knew I had to keep moving. I bought one of the maps they sold at the desk and walked until I found a bench outside a park. While I was there I ran into the guy from the coffee shop yesterday and panicked when he grabbed my arm. Now I'm sitting here with him having coffee feeling like an idiot. I stared into my cup for a little while scolding myself for getting so worked up and for agreeing to coffee. I knew better than to have a drink with a stranger. Even if this was coffee, the last beer I had with a stranger ended me up in this mess.

"Where were you heading?" He questioned, taking a sip of his drink. My stomach clenched as I searched for an answer. The truth was, I didn't know. I'd woken up that morning after having a terrible dream about him finding me and felt the need to run. I looked down at the table unable to answer him, I shrugged my shoulders. It's not really his business anyway.

"Running" he stated. It wasn't a question and the certainty of his comment made my breath catch in my throat. How the hell did he know? He leaned across the table close to me and I sat back farther in my seat. My head was swimming. I made the mistake of looking up at him and he smirked at me. I slid my hands under my legs to stop myself from fidgeting.

"Hang out with me today, and if you still feel the need to run tonight I'll take you as far away as you want to go" he said his gaze not leaving mine. I started to shake my head but he cut me off before I could deny it.

"We're sitting in a public place, in a town I live in and people have seen us together, if I had plans to hurt you, I wouldn't have asked you out for coffee. I would have just taken you wherever I wanted when you got in my truck" he states matter of fact like. I contemplate his offer. I don't have to stay here and a ride far away would be a big help. His explanation does make me feel a little better because he's not wrong. I let out a heavy sigh before agreeing to go with him. He smiles at me and stands up leading me out to his car.

"Mind if we just hang at my house? I have some stuff I need to fix but if that makes you uncomfortable we can go somewhere public" he says. I think for a moment before answering him.

"Your house is okay" I mumble looking at the ground uncomfortably. Oh, Harper what are you doing? This is asking for trouble and you know better, I chastised myself while following him out to his truck. Yet part of me wanted to trust him and at the moment I could use someone to trust, even if it was only for a little while.

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