Chapter 25

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They lit the match which caused me to run to the opposite side of the room. That person out there obviously does NOT want me alive.

I began to cough as the smoke spread across the room.

I used my elbow and tried to break the window, but it was too strong.

"Luke! Please!" I yelled, falling to the ground. Can't he hear me? Can't anyone hear me?

Fire can obviously kill ghosts, since it's killing me right now.

I sat on the ground, as weak as I'll ever be.

"Am I really going to die-again- this way?" I asked.

But something in my head was telling me not to give up.

I struggled to get up, but once I did, I ran towards the window.

"Think Hannah, think."

I obviously can't go through the window, because something is bothering my ghostly instincts and such.

The fire began to reach me, and there was nowhere to run.

"Crap!" I yelled as it started to touch me.

Nothing happened.

Not a single burn.

"Hannah! Hannah wake up!" I heard someone yell.

I looked around, and everything afterwards became black.

I opened my eyes once more and found myself in the ghost world.

"Hannah, you're awake." I heard someone yell.

Something tied my hands to the table, so I couldn't get up.

I was lying on my back, and my legs and arms were both taped to the cold, metal table.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Can't you already tell?" the person asked. "I'm killing you."

I immediately looked up, and saw her.

Her- As in, the one who ruined my life at one point. The one who caused this scar. The one that got me so mad, that I wished her death.

"Emily." I answered in a harsh tone.

"Miss me?" she smiled.

"Not really."

"Too bad, I'm going to miss you, when you die."

"When I die? Em, I'm already dead." I answered.

"No. No you're still here. Here in the ghost world. I can't have that. I need you to go." she said.

"Go where? What're you talking about?!"

"I'm only doing to you what you did to me."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You killed me."

"Ah, so, because I killed you-"

"I'm going to kill you." she said.

"Why?" I whined.

"Hannah, this isn't a joke. I'm serious. I'm mad. I have this anger and vengeance inside of me, and it's only getting stronger." she explained. "My habits, temptations, it's all getting worse. Worse, because you're alive."

"So, you think that's once you kill me, you'll be calm again?"

"Planning on it."

"But you'll have guilt."

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