Chapter 4

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I was exploring this other side more.

There was this place outside about a mile from the building.

People called it "The Haunted Forest"

It was around evening when I entered the forest.

I heard howls and chirps and roars and rustles.

None scared me.

If I was still human, it would have.

I passed by rivers.




But a specific rustle caught my attention.

It was different from the rest.

It had its own horror.

I began walking faster when I heard the noise increasing.

I was scared.

It followed me.

I began running now.

I'm a ghost but I'm still afraid.

I was out of breath after running for what seemed like 15 minutes.

I decided to stop. And fight.

I don't know what I was thinking.

A 17 year old dead girl fighting something twice her size in a haunted forest.

The noise was coming from the tree.

I saw these black long vines.

They were scattered in different directions.

I then saw feet.

Thank goodness it's a person and not a monster!

I saw legs.

Covered in fancy pants.

They were long.

I kept looking up and they kept going.

I finally saw a waist.

And then arms and legs.

The person was wearing a suit?

I wasn't scared anymore because I knew he was a person.

And he seemed to be like 20 feet tall.

I thought he was a normal ghost like me except the height.

"Uhm. Hello?" I asked.

The person didn't respond. Yet alone move.

I kept looking up but I couldn't see his face.

I tried squinting my eyes.

I remembered I brought a flashlight with me in case it would get dark.

I grabbed it from my back pocket and turned it on.

I pointed it to his face so I can see him.

And, I did.

I immediately dropped my flashlight.

I screamed.

It all happened so fast.

I then started running.

I ran as fast as I could.

Eventually I made it back to the building.


Dear Diary:

Today I went by that haunted forest.

They say it's the Monsters Home.

Well, they were right.

The person..

He had black vines.

Long legs. About 20 feet tall.

He had long arms.

He was taller than most of the trees.

I was so scared.

I haven't screamed like that in a while.

It wasn't a banshee scream.

But, I definitely was terrified.

I've never seen something so horrifying.

But anyway, the guy.

It was a man.

He didn't move.

He was so skinny.

So slim.

So slender.


I tried looking at his face.


I even squinted my eyes.


I even used a flashlight.

And I saw his face.

But diary,

he didn't have a face.

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