Chapter 10

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I left the forest scared and sad.

Do you ever feel a bunch of emotions all at once?

Well, that was me right now. But I went back to Earth. My home. My OLD home..

I saw Isobel sitting on the couch doing what seemed like her homework.

I cleared my throat for her to hear.

She jumped a little and turned around.

"Gosh, you scared me" she said placing her hand over her chest. "How long have you been standing there"

"Not long"

She stared at my face and squinted her eyes. In plain sight also, I mean, she didn't even try to hide the fact that she was examining my face. Or probably, my scar.

"What's on your face?" she asked getting off the couch.

"Nothing" I said turning around so my back was facing her.

"Hey, turn around!" she said. I could hear her walking towards me.

"No! It's nothing!" I said.

"Hannah! I saw a mark on your face. Let me see!" she yelled.

"I said no!" I yelled.

"Why not?!"

"Because! You just- you can't see it!"

"Why are you so afraid?! Ashamed?! Embarrassed?!-"

"I'm NOT ashamed or embarrassed! I just don't want you to get scared!" I yelled. My back still facing her.

"I won't! Hannah, please! I won't judge you. And I won't be afraid. I promise"


I slowly started to turn around.

Her reaction didn't change, probably because I still had my glasses and beanie on.

I then removed my beanie.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Beanie in hand.

She nodded.

I took a deep breath and removed my glasses.

She did her best to not be terrified, but it still didn't work.

She gasped and took a step back.

"Oh my-"

"I know. Scary, huh? Yeah, I can't even look at myself in the mirror without asking how much I've changed" I admitted.

"Hannah, how did that happen?" she asked.

"Uh- uhm" I was trying to stall.

And suddenly, I found my perfect distraction.

I saw a red mark on Isobel's wrist.

"What's that?" I asked glancing down at her wrist.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing" she said placing her hands behind her back.

"Isobel?! Let me see!" I yelled.

"No! It's nothing!" she yelled back.

"Hey! I let you see my scar. Let me see your wrist!"

She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

"Oh gosh.." she whispered before holding her hand out.

It was red all around. Like someone had been holding it too hard, more like crushing.

"ISOBELLA BARKLEY! HOW IN THE WORLD DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I yelled holding her hurt wrist. My grip tightened as I yelled.

"Ow! Ow!" she winced. I let go of her hands still waiting for an explanation.

"Hannah, please-"

"Who did this to you?!" I asked.

"Hannah! It's not a big deal!"

"WHO did it?!" I asked again. My volume increasing.

I was furious....

How can one dare to hurt my sister?!


"Tell me, NOW!" I yelled.

She turned her face.

"Hunter.." she whispered.

I was shocked.

Hunter wouldn't dare to hurt anyone.

That's not the Hunter I know..





{Surprise update!!!

I have finals this week:-( boo

And not a lot of people comment anymore:( comments make me very please...COMMENT!!! yay. thank you. I love you (person reading this right now) :-)

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