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"Hannah Barkley.

Died at seventeen.

She was born with the banshees scream.

In fact, that's how she died.

From her own scream.

I remember when that happened once.

Council, did you get that?"

The row of council members shook their heads. They scribbled on paper.

I was standing in the middle of the court room.

"Hannah, as from here, your task on this side is to haunt Isobel Barkley. Haunt her until her humanity is gone.

Do you understand?"

I shook my head.

"Your emotions will soon disappear as well as your feelings towards humans. Your looks will change. You are dead. So you are GOING to look dead. Failure to complete your task will lead you to either Heaven or Hell. Depending on whether your soul was saved or not. Do you understand?"

I shook my head. "Yes, sir"

"Very well. You are dismissed" he said.

I rushed out of the room.

I was given my own room on this "other" side.

It wasn't SO bad.

I was expecting dead bodies and bloody walls but it was actually a really nice place.

Dear diary:

People are born. They live. They die.

Then they go to heaven or hell.

I never knew of this purgatory place.

Turns out everyone here is haunting someone.

So they can live again.

I'm not alone, diary.

"Hannah!" Aiden called.

I turned around and saw Aiden standing in front of me.

I saw him when I was human.

But he was a ghost.

Now we're both ghosts.

I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given everyone.

He hugged back. Even tighter.

"I miss you" I said as my mouth was covered by his jacket.

He let go.

"I missed you more, Barkley"

He's the only good thing here.

"Who are you haunting?" he asked.

"My sister. Isobel"

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah. I just found out recently. Right before I died.."


It was my fault Aiden died.

Wasn't it?

If he hadn't been to my house...

If I hadn't screamed....

"It wasn't your fault. It still would've happened."

I forgot that ghosts can read minds.

I was about to reply but I saw a face I hoped to never see again behind Aiden.

"Emily" I said in a cold tone.

{I know this was super short but it's just the intro.

the chapters will be long I promise:)

who's excited for Isobel?? }

Isobel (Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant