Chapter 11

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Isobel reassured me that Hunter didn't mean to do it.

But, I'm still going to have a talk with him later.

It was way past Isobel's usual bedtime so I let her sleep by coming back to the other side.

I actually get really bored here sometimes.

Ghosts aren't exactly friendly.

I mean, you don't really see any of us talking or getting along except for when we have to. Like at meetings and such.

There was an old playground outside the building in the back.

An old slide and swing set were placed there. In sand, of course.

I decided to go and swing. I mean, there was no point, but I'm REALLY bored.

The top part made a screeching noise EVERYTIME I would swing forward. It was annoying, but I got used to it.

After a while, I was accompanied by someone. A boy.

Luke, was it?

"Hey! You again." he said.

"Yup. In the flesh" I replied.

"Aha, what're you doing here?" he asked taking a seat on the swing next to me.

"I don't know, it's my first time finding out about this place. Although, the swings aren't exactly comfortable."

"No, I mean, what are you doing HERE. As in, the ghost world?" he asked.



"Uhm..Like, how I died?" I asked.

I was stalling yet double checking.

"Yeah, how did you die?" he asked.

"Oh. Uh it's really confusing and hard to believe and-"

"Hey, I'll believe you" he said.

I took a deep breath.

"Alright" I sighed.

He tapped his hands on his knees and began listening.

Did I really just tell a boy I just met my death story? Nice Hannah.

"How come you're wearing your glasses out here? Its not sunny. And that beanie?" he asked all too curiously.

"Uhm, cuz I want to. Trust me, it's for your own good" I said turning away.

"No, please. Don't look away. I'm sorry. I just wanted to know." he pleaded.

I shrugged. "It's fine"

"Can you turn back around?" he asked.

"No, no. I don't think that's a good idea. We can just talk like this" I said.

I couldn't see what his reaction was. But he replied with an "okay"

"What's your favorite color?" he asked.


"Your favorite color. I want to know it?"

"Why do you wanna know everything about me? We just met"

"Exactly! I wanna be friends. And friends know everything about each other. Even when they're not meant to, so. Your favorite color?" he asked again.

"Green" I hesitated. "Yours?"

"Blue" he stated.

"Do you have any special talents?" he asked.

"Uhm, well I can draw" I said.

"Lucky! I can't even draw stick figures without messing up the stick!" he said which caused me to smile, but he couldn't see that.

"Do you have any ghost powers? Like I have speed and strength. And a sixth sense. How about you?" he asked in a more serious tone.

I cannot believe I'm actually answering his questions.

"Well, I can levitate. You know, telekinesis? And I have a banshee scream. Where, I can scream and it's pretty loud and hardcore. Help from anywhere comes" I said.

"Oh, really?! That's cool. A couple days ago I heard a loud scream. I immediately helped for some reason. I mean, I didn't even control it. I felt like I had to help. It's weird, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess" I said.

"Well, Hannah, it was fun talking to you. I will see you around, yeh?" he asked.

"Yup" I said.

As I heard him get up, I felt him press his hand on my shoulder. I was startled yet it felt like he's done it before.

"See ya" he said.





{mmm...Luke luke luke...(!!!)

I have an English final today..:-(

but..anyway, enjoy your tuesday!! }

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