Chapter 12

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"Argh!" The 'parent' hollered in pain, his screams soothing to Hoseok's ears.

He deserves this.

He took everything away from me.

My future, my life, everything.

Jimin didn't deserve it either.

He tightened his grip.


Blood trickled down his neck and on to Hoseok's hands.

Staining them.

With one hand, the man clawed at the air for his invisible attacker, and the other trying to pry the blades out of his flesh.

It is only fair I inflict the same amount of pain and surffering we endured.

The corners of his mouth widened, forming a twisted smile and a crazed look in his eyes.

He liked it.

The way the mortal pleaded for his life only for his pleas to fall on deaf ears. No one was there to listen nor help him. Or maybe it was how Hoseok could see the life draining from his eyes, making his flame of revenge burn brighter.

Hoseok was just like him, in a way;




Too weak to fend for himself, too weak to provide for Jimin and too weak to fight back. But now, the tables have turned.

Hoseok had power, abilities no man could ever dream of. The power to take anyone and make them serve you. To use and manipulate everything and everyone around him.

Hoseok looked back at the corpse he accidentally shot on the floor.


To take life itself.


Yoongi wrestled for the upper hand with the leader. Despite his fear, he was still stronger, and Yoongi couldn't hold on for much longer. The hostages have fled the scene in the direction of his car.

He was only waiting on Hoseok now.



And he did.

First, it was his grip on the blade. It slowed down to snail's pace then just stopped. Followed by his eyes rolling back into his head, leaving everything else to shut down. His body went limp. The will to live distinguished.

"Huff, huff." Hoseok panted, regaining his composure.

It took a second for the reality of the situation to set in.

The corpse, the bloodied weapon and the warm liquid that stained his hands.

Oh god, did I kill him?

Flabbergasted, he stood rooted to the ground, eyes wide in shock. His right leg buckled, bringing him to his knees.

He had just killed a man.

He had become the villain everyone saw him as.

What have I done?


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