Chapter 7

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This is insane.

I'm fucking talking to a ghost.

Not just any ghost but the ghost of my lover.


Eyeing his gun on the bed side table, he swiftly grabbed it, aimed it at the 'ghost' and placed his finger on the trigger, ready to fire.

Seeing what he had done, ?os?ok backed up, protecting his chest.

He had to defuse the situation, fast.

"Woah, woah, Yoongi calm down." ?os?ok said, gesturing him to calm down, but no way was he calming down.

Yoongi remained silent.

"I don't know who I am. I couldn't even remember my own brother, the whole reason I'm even here. But you...

You...I remember you." He stated, moving forwards.

Yoongi's gaze remained cold and unforgiving.

He sighed. "Please, I'm begging you Yoongi...I'm innocent." He pleaded, stepping closer till his breath met his face, eyes with that same soft innocent look in them.

His grip loosened.

This feeling...the feeling was indescribable.

How in that moment he felt like time itself had stopped and that he and Hoseok were the only ones in motion.

Hoseok was like a happy pill, giving Yoongi a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. He was a drug.

And Yoongi wanted more.

His smile seemed to brighten up the whole room, shielding him from the darkness which was all the stress, worries and expectations he had to meet. But when Hoseok is around, they just melted away into a care less thought that drifted about in his mind of endless thoughts.

And in this moment, Yoongi was home.

Hoseok is home.

Yoongi dropped the gun.

Still reserving some doubt, Yoongi asked, "what do you want from me?"

"My name." He asked.

"Your name?" Yoongi questioned.

"Yes, my name. I can't remember it." He admitted.

Hesitantly, he answered, "Jung Ho Seok."

Hoseok, that's my name.

Yoongi stared at Hoseok in silence for a few minutes as he just stood there closing his eyes.

Then, he opened one eye. Shrugging his shoulders he continued to do... whatever he was doing.

He pursed his lips into a thin line before sighing. "I thought I would remember?"

"Maybe it takes time." Yoongi suggested.

Bitting his lower lip, Hoseok began pacing around the room, deep in thought.

Yoongi finally had a chance to breathe and make sense of the whole situation.

Why? Why could he see? See them? It was just so...absurd. Is this ability inherented? No, not really, his mother wasn't really the type to believe in these things. But his best guess was to ask the source of all this.

The Detective and His Ghost || sope (DISCONTINUED) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin