Chapter 5

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The air was moist as a scant breeze rustled the leaves of the trees along the path. A fresh earthy smell hung lightly in the air. The rain had just stopped and seas of umbrellas began disappearing one by one.

"Hello!" ?????? called, annoyed.

Despite waving frantically in front of the man, he didn't seem to see him.

Why is everyone being so rude today?

"I just wanted some help." He said, before sitting down on a bench.

For some reason, ?????? woke up in the middle of the street not knowing where he was. Yes, after a walk, he did figure out he was in a country named Korea and he did understand what everyone around him was speaking.

?????? stared down at a puddle of water, deep in thought.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Why is everyone ignoring me?

Did I do something wrong?

Thoughts like these swirled around in his head, his brain trying to wrack up as many logical explanations as it could.

Sadly, it could not.

"Bam!" The sound snapped ?????? out of his trance.

He almost fell off the bench before warily turning around to find a small ball that had hit the bench.

Get yourself together.

Scanning the park, he found the owner. A little girl, with the cutest button nose, light brown hair which cupped her rosey chubby cheeks and sparkling brown chocolate eyes.

?????? smiled.

As he went to grab the ball, his hand just phased through it.

He fainted.



??????'s eyes fluttered open. A young boy stood in front of him.

Jet black hair, puffy cheeks, doe eyes and plump lips forming a pout.

"Hyung!" The boy called, tugging at his shirt.

I had a brother?

"Yes, J-" ?????? hesitated, that name, why did that name seem so familiar?

"Hyung, please don't jump." The boy pleaded.

"Jump?" ??s??? asked.

Before he could grasp the whole situation, he was thrown into another. His brother not in sight. It was like trapped in a sleep paralysis, not being able to move, stuck and forced to witness a horrible event take place.

"-ok don't leave me!" Someone yelled, pulling at his shirt, blood all over his shirt.

That warmth.

A flash of memories filled his mind.

The guy.

His name.


"Wait! Don't leave! I don't want to go!" ??s?ok yelled, clawing at the darkness he was sinking into, Yoongi slipping farther and farther from his reach.

Then darkness.

Tears pricked his eyes as he curled up into a ball, aimlessly drifting in a black void of death.

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