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[more fillers bc i'm cool like that??]

"ji, i'm home."

"oh, hey jinnie!" hyunjin walked into the living room to see his best friend tapping away at his phone with a smile on his face.

"who're you texting?" hyunjin pulled out a small tub of ice cream (which was already half empty, thank you jisung) and a spoon, sitting next to his roommate.


"who's that?"

"barista boy."

"so i assume things went well after i left?"


"that's good." jisung giggled and turned a bit more so hyunjin couldn't see his screen. "what's this? what? what's happening? are you talking about me?"

"no, he's just adorable."

"well someone's whipped." hyunjin waited for jisung to give him some attention but none arrived. "wow, my day went great, thanks for asking! it's not like i helped someone buy an apartment or anything."

"you did? who?" jisung continues texting.

"seungmin. we found a really nice apartment not to far from all his friends. we also went thrifting for some new clothes. wait, old? new? new old clothes?"

"that's cool." jisung turned and laid his head on hyunjin's lap as he continued to text barista boy.

"were you even listening?" hyunjin pokes jisung's cheek as the latter nodded. "i don't think you were."

"i was, you helped seungmin."

"well at least you got that much. i might shave my head, ji."


"and maybe i'll get a few piercings and tattoos."




"how long have you been texting him?"

"ever since i got home?"

"and when was that?"

"around five-ish?"


"so? five hours isn't that long."

"that's probably more hours than you sleep at night!"

"better than you!"


"okay, i'll tell him i have to go now." jisung sighed and typed a final message before turning his phone off and looking up at his friend.

"how is he?" jisung smiled and sat up facing hyunjin.

"he's so cute. after you left, he ran up to be and surprised me, which was kind of scary but after i saw his face everything was fine. we went to get a coffee and just chatted for a bit. did you know he's a photography major?"

"i did not."

"well he is. just image-" a ding on hyunjin's phone interrupted the conversation. "you can answer that."

hyunjin nodded and read the text.

unknown: is this hyunjin?

hyunjin: who are you?

unknown: oh right
this is lee minho
i got your number from seo changbin

hyunjin: oh

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