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(this version has rain in it but i couldn't find one w/o rain,,, sorry)

an employee walked over to the two boys who were engaged in conversation. "um, excuse me, but we'll be closing in 10 minutes."

"oh, okay. thank you." hyunjin said and the employee left. "dang, we've been here for a long time."

"yeah, i guess we have..." seungmin looked outside to see the sun setting and an almost empty parking lot. "should we head out now?"

"yeah, i guess so." they grabbed their stuff and headed out, thanking the employees who were cleaning up before walking to the car. "well that was fun."

"yeah, that sure was." they got into the car and hyunjin started it, handing the aux cable to the passenger. "oh, thanks."

"mhm." hyunjin pulled out of the lot and headed back to felix's place to drop off seungmin. he turned on his phone, seeing that he had literally hundreds of texts from his whole one friend names felix. he sighed. i'll read them later, he's probably ranting about changbin or something. "why'd you sigh?"

"oh, felix was just spamming me."

"really? that's weird, jisung and my friend jeongin were spamming me too. i guess we both have crazy friends."

"yeah, that's for sure." seungmin chose a playlist, one that suit the vibe right now; a chill kr&b playlist. seungmin looked over and saw hyunjin smiling. "you like this song?"

"yeah, it's one of my favorites by dean."

"really?! me too!"

"awesome! dean's amazing."

"he really is!" seungmin continued talking about the korean artist as hyunjin drove, smiling and agreeing with what his friend was saying. "anyways, dean's amazing, everyone should listen to him, end of story. thank you for coming to my ted talk." hyunjin gave a mini clap (aka. tapping one hand against his arm to be a safe driver).

"amazing. are you sure you're not secretly a literature major?"

"i'm pretty sure." the music stopped and seungmin looked at his phone. why's she calling? "sorry, i have to take this." he unplugged the aux cord and answered the call. "hi."

"seungmin, what are you doing?!" seungmin moved the phone away from his ear so he wouldn't get his eardrum blown out.

"hanging out with a friend... why..?"

"haven't you seen the news?? you're everywhere! dad filed a missing persons case and now the police have search teams, firefighters are asking around — everyone's looking for you!"


"seungmin..." he heard his sister sigh over the phone. "just go home. please. dad's worried and i don't want you getting into any bigger trouble."

"you've seen what he's done to me! i can't go home, not when he's still there!" seungmin looked over to hyunjin who looked a bit worried. he lowered his volume. "look, i have to go. i'm with my friend. i'll... i'll text you later, okay?"

"fine. seungmin, tell me you're okay. tell me you're with someone good, someone safe."

"i am, trust me."

"okay... if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. just because i'm in college doesn't mean i'm gone forever, okay? i'm still your sister."


"promise me."



"i promise."

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